View Full Version : this intrusive thought wont go away

29-04-12, 16:06
Hi all
I didnt think id be on here for a while and Im not exactly in blind panic but i can tell by my last few bad nights sleep and my sweating,constant itchiness that this worry is building.
Im so ashamed Im thinking this but I cant help it.
my father in law wants to show my youngest daughter some baby rabbits he has in his pen.He has never done anything to alarm me,but Im really ashamed to think that he might abuse my daughter,god I could cry just reading that back to myself,because my father in law is lovely and Im pretty sure he would never do anything like that.Its just the opportunity will be there and i wont be there and all i wont to do is stop it ever happening to her....i would die if she ever had to go through that.I really am trying to ignore the worry,but he has mentioned the rabbits a few times now and I just feel sick and also ashamed...what the hell do i do?

29-04-12, 16:15
Is there no way you can be there?

29-04-12, 18:46
yes i could invite myself ....im being silly he wouldnt do anything like that,but why is the thought there? i hate that i dont trust people,its ruining my life....ive been doing so well and now i can feel it slowly coming on again.got cbt tomorrow....maybe that will help

29-04-12, 19:52
Its just the nature of intrusive thoughts, they are horrible and even though we dismiss them they do leave a bad feeling. Had them myself and was disgusted with myself as well for having them but all you can do is not listen to them.

30-04-12, 10:04
cbt session this morning.....very upsetting....but came away with some coping strategies....hope they work.i hate thinking this way,just want it to stop

30-04-12, 12:53
You poor thing those intrusive thoughts are horrible. It's the constant "what if" isn't it. You have no reason to believe anything bad will happen. When you think about it, try to tell yourself very firmly "NO" and force yourself to think about something else. The most important thing is accepting that this is an intrusive thought and not a real worry.

01-05-12, 10:03
its the 'what ifs' that just make me feel sick....Im going to have to learn that I cannot control everything in my kids lives,i have to let go