View Full Version : First time on here

29-04-12, 18:07

I just wanted to introduce myself as this is the first time I have been on here. I have had 'diagnosed' anxiety for a couple of years now, although thinking back I have probably had it most of my life due to one reason or another.

Main reason for joining I guess is for comfort that I am not the only one, my dose of citalopram has just been upped from 20 to 30, so I am just undergoing the first set of side affects and taking betablockers to help which I'm not sure if they are helping or making it worse (?). Things have got so bad now I am having less and less to do with friends or people around me.. they seem so different to me - have a partner/husband/children and it's got to the stage now I literally can't cope being around these people and their 'happy' everyday conversations and I get really anxious, go red and leave often having a panic attack as a result of the pressure it all brings, so am feeling more comfortable on my own - which is a dangerous way to think - long term.

I am throwing myself into work which is good as it can take my mind off it, but that has become very demanding lately and I am mentally exhausted from it all. Weekends are spent hibernating, dreaming of a life which I fear I will never have.

Oh jese that was heavy! I'm sorry I had to get that off my chest. I've never really been on a forum like this so hopefully I can offer my help and learn from others.


29-04-12, 18:11
Hi sunflower79

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

29-04-12, 18:11
Hello Sunflower,

I've been on this site for about a month, and I've found everyone here to be really friendly and helpful. I'm sure you'll find the same too.

You'll find a lot of shared experience on here and so people can understand what you're going through - you're not alone!


29-04-12, 18:47
Hi Sunflower welcome to the forum,Im glad you found us and look forward to more of your posts when you feel ready.:)

29-04-12, 19:42
I can empathise with you, I feel anxious around my family a lot of the time, but, also get depressed when I am alone. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I understand where you are coming from.

I have only been using this site a couple of weeks and all my posts have been answered, and friendly supportive advice given.

take care

29-04-12, 20:09
Welcome aboard Sunflower,

Great site, friendly and supportive people...you have come to the right place!! Make the most of it here, it's been a lifesaver for me at times.

Kitti :)

29-04-12, 20:10

You will get lots of good advice on here - been a member since February and have never joined a site before but have made so many caring friends.

You can really open up on here to people who are going through the same. Anxiety is hell - going through it at the moment and have just taken by first dose of Cit 20mg tonight! p-doc wants me to go even higher!! It makes you feel as if you just want to be alone - as people don't understand. I hate it when the phones goes and people, who do not understand what a chat!, eg, a holiday would do you good! keep fit!, etc.

Welcome again - Laura xxxxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:

29-04-12, 22:34
Thank you everyone for your lovely responses, I feel so happy that I have found this site, alas I do not feel as alone already!

@Laura48 - hold up what the doc wants you to do, I was on 20 for a year, then the doc wanted me to go to 40 after a year - It was too much, I stuck with it for a month then came off as just felt very heavy, a year later after being on 20 here I am on 30.

Basically what I'm saying is see how you go and take it slowly, you will notice a huge difference with 20, so long as you get through that initial period which could last just a few days or a week - it's not always as long as a month. It's is not a miracle but will make your mood more level.

Tell me about it re the phone calls, I am just going to crawl under a rock for a few weeks until I'm feeling better to talk to them. I've been on this dose of 30 for a week and already feel a bit better.

Thank you all again for your responses, really appreciate it :)


29-04-12, 22:37
Hi Sunflower and a warm :welcome:

I'm sure you'll find loads of members here who share your experience and that you'll find it comforting to see that you're not alone.

Take care and keep posting

Pip xx

29-04-12, 22:42
hi im rebecca ive had panic attacks and agrophobia for over 10 years at the present i hardly been out the house for over 4 years i need to get better for me and my kids and be able to to do things for my self and not keep relying on other people i just need someone to talk to who knows what im going through and help me get through this .

30-04-12, 12:42
Hi Rebecca I only joined today, i dont have classic agrophobia but have become housebound due to panic and feeling better inside. Have you had any help with this professionally or any cbt ? to help you deal with it. xx