View Full Version : alcohol and anxiety ruining my life Since 2010

29-04-12, 20:20
does anybody on here drink to get rid of anxiety when they go out?

i been to AA meetings and doctors but they just wanna hand me to physcritrist and no more diazpam which helped me so much :(
that was my wonder drug, but its game over, wont get no more and mr shakey dave is back,

often feel low and depressed so drink to get rid of this too heavy over weekends.

does anybody think im doing the right thing by getting one weeks private conceuling which me old man is paying for?

also got a NHS psychratrist on 15th may for an hour which im apprensive about

home somebodys been through simular and can reccomend something

only thing keeping me positive is having job still as a forklift driver and family

eight days a week
29-04-12, 20:36
So sorry to hear that Dave.

Perhaps you could take a look at Pregabalin, Gabapentin and Baclofen. All of them affect the same area of the brain as diazepam (GABA) but all are non-addictive. All affect anxiety in similar ways to alcohol and diazepam, and as that helped you so much before I am thinking they may be helpful also (I have no medical training so - ?).

I take Baclofen because I had trouble with drinking a few years back, but this use is not well-known or approved on the NHS. Pregabalin and Gabapentin (similar meds) ARE, but you might need to see a psychiatrist to get them prescribed.

Gabapentin is much cheaper, so you might be more successful asking for that.

I think you should at least ask your GP about Gabapentin and Pregabalin.

Good luck and please keep us posted :)

01-05-12, 00:32
thankyou for advice eightdays a week :)
yeah valium are a tad addictive its not worth the risk

im off to birngham weekend for the dianetics which should hopefully stop my horrible negative thoughts and stupid drinking problems when i get down and paranoid about everyday life.
if i still get trouble after this dianetics im really going to push for some form of medication especially for paranoid thoughts as these are killing me and making me drink like a pig. im hoping nhs can help me get back on my feet a little if fails :)

11-05-12, 20:52
Diazepam is actually used for alcohol withdrawal.

Rather than saying you want diazepam, suggest trying an antidepressant, with diazepam for a couple of weeks to reduce the start up effects. You should have a better success then.

Pregabalin is worth considering - mega expensive though..