View Full Version : lower back ache - kidneys???

06-07-06, 08:53
I woke up at 4am with pain all across my lower back, bit like period pain, but it cant be that cause I'm nowhere near my period or PMS time. Could bladder infections cause lower back pain, as I had one before and am hoping its just that again. Or does it sound more like kidneys? Also, does apendicitis present itself as a backache, or would you get the stomach pains instead? Thanks x

Anxiety Is Evil

Ma Larkin
06-07-06, 13:39
Could be a water infection or kidney infection. I get kidney infections quite a lot, runs in the family. Try drinking cranberry juice, its ace for the kidneys and bladder. Doubt its appendicitis. Your appendix is on the right hand side (above the groin area), if you have appendicitis and you push this area it murders on release. My mum had her appendix out a couple of years ago.


07-07-06, 11:44
hi ive had this on and off last few weeks doctor thought it was urine infection test came back clear then pain moved to pelvic area like period cramp not as bad....went back to docs she just was useless now think ive got some cancer in that area (oh silly me) but if it is a urine infection pain will be in lower back your sides and will probably hurt when you wee drink cranberry juice....
im thinking its another horrid symptom to contend
take care

07-07-06, 13:05
I commonly have them and they are unanswered. Back problems radiate and they also have those pairing muscles the pair off from the spine. Mine hurt to the point sometimes they hurt to breath. A lady at work right now has it during the day and night. It was confirmed as muscle spasm.
A muscle can hurt worst than a open cut.



07-07-06, 14:11
Have you ever considered that it may just be anxiety and physical tension causing the backache?

I myself was almost unable to move a couple of weeks ago, due to the anxiety caused by the heatwave in London. My lower back seized up, along with the sciatic nerve in my leg, aching arms, stiff neck and shoulders. Extreme weather conditions and changes in temperature, humidity light etc. all affect our mood which consequently affects our physical state.

Once the weather coooled a little I started to feel better.

Just a thought.