View Full Version : Worrying again

Silly Blonde
06-07-06, 09:47
I've been doing sooooooo well - actually felt that my acupuncture was starting to work. IBS pains etc were under control and I have been much less stressed.

Over the past few days, I have been crippled by an awful pain between my shoulder blades. I've had it before - and it seems to start after I have had that awful acid indigestion. Has anyone else had this? Am I right in thinking I have burned by oesphagus??????? Maybe its a combination of that and tension! Oh, and I have dropped down to a lower dose of my meds - so not sure that's helping!

I'm trying not to think bad things- but its so hard.


SB xx

06-07-06, 11:42
Sounds like it could be a "burning" pain. Have you tried anything like Gaviscon? Does it help relieve it? Or as you say, could be muscle tension. I think when we are anxious, pain is so elevated.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Sorry I can't be of any more help.
