View Full Version : Its springtime andso my battle with anxiety begins again...

30-04-12, 15:41
For some reason the end of April always causes me great anxiety! I developed my anxiety in April. I don't know if its the weather or what but this time of year my skin just crawls. I am a nurse and it is now that I wish I worked in a doctor's office or at a hospital. Somewhere I could do a quick EKG to see if its my heart. Then once I know its indeed not my heart I could go on again. That is always my fear. Heart attack!
I would by an EKG machine if I could. Problem is I would probably be attached to it 24 hours a day.
I am very dizzy and my eyes get blurry making me think I should get into the eye doctor or an Ear Nose and Throat doctor.
I have 14 more days of work and I just don't know if I will make it through. This is always the worst time of year for me. I became a school nurse because of the hours but turn out I love it. Problem is - the end of the year just kills me! I don't have any sick days left!!! Last year I saved them for the end because I knew I would need them for the anxiety but this year my family had a lot of sickness. Today I took a personal day for kids appt. I wish I had a day off for me!
This is the most stressful time of year for my family. Ball games and practices dictate our life and I get very overwhelmed the last 3 weeks of school. Once school is out I am ok.
Okay I need to just get through 3 weeks and I will be fine. Ativan will become my best friend again! I hada very busy and stressful weekend. I know better. I need down time. I need to relax!! Anyone else have spring time anxiety?