View Full Version : Manager had words with me today :(

30-04-12, 16:18
So I was at work today & my manager took me to one side & said my sick days were particularly high - the highest in our team :(
The thing is I hardly ever take days off sick & the last time I did I was sick for a week with bronchitus.
Apparentley the more singular days you have the worse it is - although I had 3/4 days in a row for that illness.
The more time you are off, the better it is for your record - how stupid is that! So even if you've only got a 24 hour bug or whatever, you should take a week off....
Anyway, she told me that I'm a few points off a warning so this is serious.
I don't understand it...I'm always on time, never late, never do anything wrong at work...will this go against my references in the future?

30-04-12, 16:47

I know that system is daft. My husband's company has the same method as yours!

You do not take a couple of days off you take the week?

They don't look at how long you have been off with one or two sicknesses?

They look at how many times you have off - not how long??

Strange system I know.

30-04-12, 16:56
I've dealt with this before years ago - had one day off for a really bad cold and was back at work the next day and was told off - another woman who had been off for 6 weeks with something was fine though - the manager told me he would much prefer that situation!