View Full Version : not again... (I'm back!)

30-04-12, 18:07
Good news is I was able to leave, so that shows, there is a chance to get better. Bad news is I've had a blip.

Here's my intro copied from another forum I'm using at the mo

Hi all, my first post, here we ago.


About 2 years ago and felt really low and started feeling extremely anxious. I visited the doc and was given some medication called bluspa or something similar, I'm guessing to calm my nerves. The low moods continued along with the anxious feeling. About a month later following a revisit to my doc, I was prescribed anti-depressants, 20mg citralopram (or something similar sounding)

Over the next 2 years I went through a marriage split up so things were quite tough. Since then I've moved on and met a new person and have now moved in together.

I was still taking the medication, and things were quite well, until last weekend, I went away with my friends abroad, ended up getting drunk and slept very little, then boom on the way back on the flight, felt my anxiety return and had a couple of panic attacks.

Since then I again appear to be anxious again, as I was when all this trouble originally started...

My self help is telling me its just a blip brought on my lack of sleep and too much alcohol, what do you guys think?

I thought the medication I'm on would prevent these issues, yet I appear to have gone back to stage 1.

Should I revisit my doc (already done) for check on my meds or should I wait to see if my symptoms calm over more time?

Thanks guys


I went to the doc's and he's upped my citralopram to 40mg a day from 20mg and also given me a medication called buspar to help deal with the anxiety surges. I've taken one tablet and it helped a little (maybe), but it is coming and going, coming more than not though. I'll try to keep off it and deal with it myself unless necessary.

Its such a scary feeling, honestly, the person who invents a cure for this would be the most popular person in the world, never mind probably the richest (which I would not care about!)

The fear of fear is horrendous, I must break the cycle, and get on with my life!

My boss at work has been great, and I've managed to agree to work but work a slightly different job, I can't sit still alone at home and feel I am a people person and I like the people I work with.#

Back home now, one of the main things I see everywhere on the internet is to keep up or start physical activity, so I'm off the walk the dog, and then gym time...

Cheers for reading

30-04-12, 18:09
Hi bigmo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-04-12, 18:11
Thanks Diane, I've been here before, and really value your website, defo helped me last time :)