View Full Version : Constant fear of heart attack

darren blackm
30-04-12, 21:26
Hi guys I'm new here. Having a bad day today just feel like crying as all day i have been petrified of having heart attack. I have seen other posts like this on here and i'm a bit more at ease now knowing that there is many people out there just like me.

Also been chatting to myself allot to day as well. I will imagine i'm talking to someone then whisper to myself what i am saying. Do people do that here as well. Thanks guys could really use the support. :blush:

30-04-12, 23:08
Hi Darren, what makes you afraid of a heart attack, anything in particular? You are not alone with this worry! You will find lots of support on this site.

Oh and I talk to myself too all the time, in many different ways and in different accents too sometimes :roflmao:

01-05-12, 03:16
Hi Darren, I had the same fear for years! It is a scary thing to go through, at one point my whole days were spent checking my pulse over and over again. Finally after almost 6yrs I am starting to get back on track and it feels goooood, you are not alone...I'm living proof it can get better. :)

01-05-12, 08:14
Hi Darren i'm going through this at the moment, i can't stop crying and my whole life at the moment revolves around the fact that i "might" be having a heart attack. I feel dizzy, fullness in head, palpitations, chest pain and tightness in chest and general feeling of doom. I'm 34 and had an ecg done last year and bloods and all came back fine. My bp is slightly up in the drs but usually fine at home. I still can't shake this constant worry about my heart. You are not alone on this.

07-03-13, 23:52
I feel exactly the same :(

Constant thoughts of heart attack with no reason to feel this way i.e no pain or anything. The thoughts lead to panic attacks which inturn bring on symptoms!

I cant deal with this anymore