View Full Version : Help please

01-05-12, 00:18
Not sure how to explain feeling like utter crap at the moment iwas fine up in till about 20 mins ago

Blocked nose

Don't know wat it is but it's caring me and I'm in a panic :weep:

01-05-12, 00:22
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad.....sounds like a panic is looming and possibly a cold? I'm around for a little while if you need help through it. Kitti

01-05-12, 00:28
Yes not sure wats wrong I'm sweating as well a lot so could be that but I panic over the slightest weird feeling it's just the way I am

01-05-12, 00:35
That's how the circle of anxiety goes terror, one simple thing can start it off and then it escalates into full blown panic which is frightening, making you worse and so on. My therapist said to tell yourself it's ok...nothing bad will happen, and it will come down naturally if you let it do it's thing. Easier said than done eh? Just breathe, slowly & deeply....let it come, nothing terrible will happen, it just feels like it will.

01-05-12, 08:20
well im awake and at work and i still feel like crap so i know im ill and anxiety is still up and running