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01-05-12, 05:25
Hi all,
I have always had valium on hand, but very rarely taken it, It's only 2mg and most of the time i just break it in half if I have a panic attack.
The last 5 weeks I have pretty much taken one every other day, and if I haven't had it after about 5 days I end up not sleeping, completely anxious, not eating and shaking :huh:

Im thinking I have developed a problem? I know its a small amount but I am highly sensitive to medication.

My question now is, what the hell do I do? How do I get off them properly its only 1mg!!!!

01-05-12, 11:45
Hey there,
I should speak to your doc, its a very tiny dose, so its unlikely to cause withdrawal, but we are all different, and if you are very sensitive, it may do. It could be phsycological too though, I've got to know I CAN have one, even if I don't actually need one! You could have a look at some natural remedies too maybe? Not a fan myself, but works for some. Good luck

01-05-12, 12:35
Have you ever used valium? Thanks for the reply

01-05-12, 20:54
Ask for beta blockers instead perhaps. Then take a beta blocker when you would usually take a valium, and keep the valium for extreme occasions only.

I have used valium on and off for years, but I don't take them very often. I usually try taking a beta blocker instead if I need to relax, and save valium for if I'm doing something that I really have a phobia about or that would be a big deal.

Have you told your doctor about this? If you feel you are becoming dependent it's vital that you cut down now, rather than wait until your body becomes dependent as well. Let me know how you get on!

01-05-12, 20:57
it may not be the valium causing those symptons, that is just how you may feel without them...

01-05-12, 21:08
I have same problem with Z-tabs which are similar to benzos. Part of it might well be your anxious mind (the psychological addiction part) but speaking to your doc is the way forward I think. Small dose, so you should be able to gradually discontinue and perhaps replace it with a non-addictive med. Good luck with it.

02-05-12, 05:36
Thanks for the replies everyone, It is possible its just how I feel with my anxiety.
Im having a really hard time accepting my physical symptoms and am convinced I am ill