View Full Version : Do we have a section for self harm?

01-05-12, 08:51
Say I was struggling with keeping myself from self harming after coming off my anti depressants, is there a section on here where I should post topics?

I know I should go see my doctor (and I will if I need to), but I'm only just coming off the drugs, so I'm hoping this can be managed by talking things through on here (and if it gets bad, back to the doctors).

Many thanks

01-05-12, 10:13
No i dont think this forum does,dont worry though just post in the section that best describes your main problem,social,GAD etc.personly iv never self harmed so i dont understand what its like and why its done etc all i can say is that with self harm its not going to make your problems easiyer.your not the only one who does/done it so dont feem ashamed or anything like that its just your way of copeing.Self harming will not remove any tension,instead do some exercise? instead of taking anger out on yourself grab some weights! :D exercise releases endorphins which will make you feel better,and theres so many health benifits to it.This would boost your confidence alot to :).if ud rather exercise at home buy some weights,resistance bands etc.Sorry i carnt be of more help im new to posting etc :P

01-05-12, 18:39

Please keep within the rules if posting about self-harm. Thank You.

01-05-12, 20:56
I have self harmed for 17 years if you ever wanna talk about it. Feel free to PM.

02-05-12, 08:20
Same as crystal, PM if you need to chat. I understand the reasons for not being able to post about it I really do but if you know there are people you can talk to feel free to PM if they have said it's ok