View Full Version : Citalopram & Propranalol together anyone?

01-05-12, 10:53
Started both this morning very worried. Hate taken tablets but had a breakdown in doctors and panick attack with my dad present and not getting out of taken them now. I'm scared of taking drugs.

Anyone taken both? I'm only on 10mg. Not eating either does this have an effect?

Help x

05-06-12, 20:22
im on both together and fine so far =)

05-06-12, 21:35
Have taken both together for two years, and it's completely fine. Hopefully they will help to alleviate your symptoms. It is scary taking medication, I can relate to your fear. I hope you start to feel a bit better soon. :)

btw, I was on 80mg of Propranolol and 20mg Citalopram daily if that helps.

05-06-12, 21:40
Hi Morag, I started both last week - 80mg slow release propanolol and 10mg citalopram and so far so good, no terrible side effects, in fact I think the prop is buffering any side effects I would have had from the cit.

I take both in the evening as the cit was making me really drowsy and dizzy during the day. Some people find that taking propanolol in the evening causes difficulty sleeping but I haven't experienced this. If anything, taking it in the evening means I don't wake up with the usual churning stomach and racing heart.

I was petrified of taking anymore meds, but I haven't experienced any significant or unpleasant side effects.