View Full Version : Good Morning Everyone

01-05-12, 12:11
Hi There, my name is Maggie, and I am a newbie to this site, I live in Norfolk England, but originally came from The East End of London England, I am 68, married to David who is 65, David has a few health probs, and I am his carer,, but he is a very independent man, and can do most things for himself, I love chatting to people, and love making new friends, my hobbies include Knitting,, social networking,, watching tv love the soaps, but onlt the Australian soaps past and present,, cant stand our English soaps,, listening to Classic fm, doing puzzles from books or jigsaws,, more knitting,, always have something on the needless, Facebook, also love my laptop,and looking after David and our cat Fidget,, I know I shall love it on here,, and if I can lend an ear or offer some support in anyway, just let me know,, speak to you soon,, take care,, love Maggie xx:D:D:D:D

01-05-12, 12:15
Hi Maggie68

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-05-12, 18:00
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP to you, David and Fidget (love the name!!).

Take care and keep posting

Pip xx