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View Full Version : floaty black shadows in my sight?

06-07-06, 12:30
hiya again!

im getting into a state yet again because i have balck shadowy blothes in my eye sight and its worrying me. my grandad has got a disorder where he is losing his sight as he ages more, so with that im putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5. has anyone got any answers or advice before i stress to much again!x

06-07-06, 12:53
Hi Saintdee, i get these floaty things when im tired, or i havent eaten properly, i wouldnt worry about them to much, if you are slightly concerned you could always ring your loacal NHS helpline, they offer great advice and support, i have called them in the past for things, . xx

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

06-07-06, 22:57
Hi......I got these about a year ago. They just appeared one day. They are like little black fluff or sometimes squiggles that float around in your eyesight. They are called 'FLOATERS' and are completely harmless. I went to TWO eye specialists to have them checked and both said my eyes were perfect and heaps of people get them. it isn't a sign of eventual blindness and beleive me...you DO get used to them and they fade out graduallly so you don't notice them as much. I thought I would go crazy if they stayed or got worse but everything the docs said was correct....so DONT PANIC. This one really is NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT....Easy for NORMAL folk to say I know...ha ha. Hope this helps

Silly Blonde
07-07-06, 08:58
Hi there

I get these too - usually notice them when its sunny and I'm driving!

I am very very short sighted and wear contacts and so over the last couple of months I had my usual sight test (where they look at the health of your eyes too) and a full contact lens check. They both said my eyes were perfectly healthy.

Try not to worry - easier said than done, but you will notice them more if you focus on them!

Take care

SB xx

08-07-06, 17:54
Hi ... I've had these in the past too, as chevy says they are called floaters. I used to get it as a child, it would scare me to death as i though a man was running across my room!!!!

Take care

'This too will pass'