View Full Version : billy joel and the HEAT!

06-07-06, 12:37
WELL GUYS I DID IT AGAIN!Went to see the fabulous Billy Joel,no meds needed at all!!!I also went on the shuttle bus[Wow!]i have not been on a bus in years.Used the same technique as the other concerts[nics cbt techniques,thanks again 4 my life nicola!]It was soooo hot tho,at the end i got very woozey and felt like running 4 a while but i said to myself you are just hot,not dying,if you faint ,you faint!!!I got up and sang me head off instead!I cant believe all this you know.Trust me if i can do this you can,you really can.It is giving yourself a chance,just to see how you feel,there is always a get out clause,leave or taketime out etc,and it is this that so helps me now.I looked up last night and thought ,god i am alive again!I did not care about being fat or sweaty or red faced!!???I was just like everyone else,enjoying myself[Yeah!]..GUNS N ROSES NEXT,BRING IT ON[Yes!];)love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

06-07-06, 12:56



06-07-06, 12:57
Well Done, Rock Chick :D[^]:D

Bring on the next one indeed!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

06-07-06, 16:11
Congrats Mary Rose !!!!!!!
Boy I'll bet that was a good concert too - I have always LOVED Billy Joel. Guns and Roses next huh?? Boy you are on a roll!!!
Keep it up girly and we'll all start callin ya a groupy - jk :)
Be sure to let us know how the next one goes.

06-07-06, 16:15

I have got Justin Timberlakes concert on 13th, and am sooooooo scared, your post really helped!

Hope I can be as successful as you have been!!

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

06-07-06, 17:32
Well done Mary Rose. Glad you enjoyed it.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

06-07-06, 19:46

Is there no stopping you now?

Well done again - what fab news to hear!

Hope the next one is as good


06-07-06, 20:07
Hi Mary Rose,

Well Done!! That's really nice to hear.

You're doing great [8D]

Heather x

06-07-06, 20:19
Hey well done Mary Rose - you are brill - so brave - its true I know - we are not really ill just our brains get wired up wrong so we see danger thats not really there so well done in coping- wow!! Have fun. Love wenjoy xx

Two heads
06-07-06, 23:30
Well done mary,you done greatxxxxxxxxx

07-07-06, 11:07
thanks everyone,for your replies i hope my success helps others get out and give it a go,it is letting go of the fear that binds us!Tracy,you will have a wonderful time.visualise it,see yourself loud n proud!!If we only look at the fear it stops us from trying ,but you are going and that is wonderful,it is all learned behavior,we think 'i will panic 'therefore we do panic!Stop the cycle and stop the fear.I t doesnt happen overnight and i am still looking for it[habit again,what if??]but it seems i can now say,oh fear,go away.you re not the boss of me anymore.We create this monster ,we can kill it!Thanks again.love mary-rose,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

07-07-06, 11:41
Your message was so positive and uplifting that your out there and living again it actually brought a lump to my throat ,and gave me encouragement.Theres no stopping you now !!!
take care cheryl xx

07-07-06, 13:05
He he he rock on Mary!!!!

How absolutely fantastic it is to hear you doing so well - thank you for telling us! I envy you but also feel really inspired - I love my music too although I'm distinctly long in the tooth.... I can still fit into my leather skirt and boots tho!!!

I hope you go from strength to strength hun!


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

07-07-06, 13:23
Hi Mary

Well done you hun thats brilliant news im so proud of you.

Excellent news im so chuffed for you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

07-07-06, 17:32
Well done Mary Rose:D
Love helen

11-07-06, 22:29
thanks again you guys ,hey fee,wish i fitted in my old gear!!!!Chedds,hey if i can do these things you can,start with somthing managable,i know nothing FEELS managable!It will come in time,i am still full of anxiety,i just wont let it beat me again!!Still wont drive tho?soooo that is the next demon to banish folks!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

13-07-06, 14:48
Well done Mary Rose, told you Billy Joel gave a fab concert, what I wouldn't give to see him again! You are seeing some great concerts gal. So glad you are getting out there and beating your fears.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

13-07-06, 20:42
Good for you Mary Rose!!!

I bet the concert was great. You've just reminded me that I'm sposed to be going (sorry I AM going...no backing out lol!) to see Robbie Williams in September...I'd forgotten about that. You've got me quite excited about it now (god I almost forgot how it felt to be excited!).

Good on you Mary Rose...an inspiration as always.

Coni X

marie ross
14-07-06, 09:04

You are doing brilliantly, i'm sooooooooooo proud of you, you have achieved so much and i'm dead happy for you!!!!!

Take care.

Marie XXXX

14-07-06, 10:55
thanks belle,connie and marie too.hey just bought tickets 4 paul weller concert in november!I went to see him before and spoilt it..ended up in the corridor!!NOT THIS TIME!!Thanks 4 allthe encouragment guys,it means soooo much.OH I JUST LOVE THIS FORUM!!!!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-07-06, 23:22
Well done!! You are really on a roll. Keep it up. I am so happy for you.