View Full Version : HELP!!!!

01-05-12, 15:27
Over the last hour or so Ive started to feel really anxious, sick , Jittery e.t.c and I cant stop it. I'm starting to panic over it as I just feel really awful like somethings about to happen !!! Please , I need some reasurring words. I also feel surreal ,like I'm in a dream almost !!

01-05-12, 16:11
try not to fight the feelings just accept them, they cant harm you, I know they are horrid and it will pass, just inhale deeply and exhale as long as you can, splash your face with water and try divert your mind by doing something, anything:hugs:

01-05-12, 16:31
try having a hot bath always works for me :)

01-05-12, 17:23
I get that feeling of impending doom too. Nothing is going to happen, I know but that makes no difference.

The breathing exercises that are everywhere DO help. I didn't believe it but they do.