View Full Version : Petrified of citalopram

01-05-12, 16:40
hi all x

I have a phobia of medication, panic disorder and GAD. This has robbed me of my life for over 10 years now I am 32. I have been prescribed 10mg of citalopram but have read so many horror stories about ssri's and the side-affects of this drug. I dont really go out the house as I have a fear of fainting and have read this can make you feel faint and also read this morning that is can cause heart problems (only over 40mg) and its my heart I worry about. Feel trapped as the side affects sound horrendous my anxiety is already terrible I couldnt bear if it got worse. Hope somebody can help xxx

01-05-12, 16:55
Dont read the side effects! you know that they have to put all that stuff on the box but some people dont get any, I didn't have any problems, honestly i've been on 10 mg for over a year now (minus the few weeks i accidently went cold turkey oops) and i find it really helps just to allow you the breathing room to deal with immediate issues.
I really didn't want to go on AD at all but either and there have been a few different drugs honestly i've never had side effects with any, i switched purely because i stopped and started (after random breakdowns) saw different Dr's got different drugs, this time i have Citalopram because i have trouble sleeping and apparently it can make you drowsey (not that i've noticed).

Honestly just try it, I know it's hard but it's there to help you, and if you experience any side effects you know it's just that and it will pass, seriously im 33 and i too have been somewhat robbed, the time has come to take it back :yesyes:

blue October
01-05-12, 18:53
Hi Laura

I'm on day 19 using citalopram, 14days on 10mg then the last 5 days on 20mg.

I have never had medication like this before and was worried, all i can say is the positives have far out weighed the negatives. I feel like i have been given my life back.

Best Wishes x

01-05-12, 19:02
Hi Laura

Oh know how you feel I have had a real bad time of late, but am on day 6 of citalopram 3 days on 3 days on 10 and 3 days on 20 and tbh was expecting all sorts of things but this has been very gentle so far.

Was expecting horrific start up effects - like Prozac - but this has been the gentlest by far. I know it is very early days but please give it a go - you have to! and you get lots of support on here.

Good Luck

Laura xxxx

---------- Post added at 19:02 ---------- Previous post was at 19:00 ----------

You cannot feel much worse than you are feeling now so what have you got to lose - that's how I always think?

01-05-12, 19:05
Hi Laura,

Cit is the gentler ssri, GP just told me this yesterday. I have been on 10mg for 2 month and just upped to 20mg last night!! I was also scared to take them but all the SE's I had I already had due to the anxiety. 10mg is very mild you will be ok honest, please dont be scared. I also had a bad experience with Prozac and Cit was nothing at all like that!!!!! You will be fine hunny. Let us know how you get on!!!! xxxx

01-05-12, 20:28
Ditto Kendra

01-05-12, 21:42
Thank you all so so much for taking time to reply to me....ive held the tablet in my hand every day for days but havent plucked up the courage so far...maybe tomorrow x
You are all wonderful and brave people xxx

02-05-12, 00:07
Just do it.. either way, taken or not you are still going to be anxious so if you think about it being anxious for something that could possibly get rid of it completely (like it has me) may be better than being anxious constantly for no reason.

02-05-12, 00:22
just take it! u r wasting precious time whilst debating and just looking at it..ive been on cit 4 weeks and it is starting to kick in..i cudnt have gone on as i was so yes better to be anxious and recovering woth cit rather than just looking at it getting worse x

02-05-12, 01:14
Hi Laura, I have the exact same thoughts and feelings as you and I have avoided medication for the last 8 years! I was terrified it would harm me. A few weeks ago I realised that my anxiety was getting out of control - more so than it ever has before. I was barely able to function an I knew that I had to take. I was still terrified! I took a quarter of the dose I was supposed to take to begin with and I'm gradually working up to the dose i'm supposed to be on. I also have diazepam which were a great help when starting meds - and I was terrified of taking them too! The side effects I had starting the meds weren't unbearable and when I got bad anxiety or panic I took a diazepam and that help ease it.

I can totally relate to how you're feeling but honesty I urge you to give them a go. The difference in my anxiety levels in 4 weeks is amazing and I've been doing things I haven't done in 8 years! I have a thread called starting sertraline which is my journey starting meds. For years I never believed in relying on meds for anxiety. I always listened to the stories that just said it was masking problems an allowed horror stories to influence me and for anyone that can overcome it without meds, i really do praise you because its so difficult. I had one bad reaction with a med which also made me afraid but it obviously wasn't the right one for me and it was out my system within a day after stopping it. Now I'm really annoyed at myself that I didn't start sooner because I feel like I can get my life back now an I've not felt like that in a long time!

I wish you all the best!

Lisa x

02-05-12, 09:36
Hi Laura

Please take it - meds have been a lifesaver for me - just starting on the Citalopram journey - and felt so bad - what I had I got to lose - could not have felt any worse - so far nearly a week in 3 days on 20mg - nowhere near as bad as expected the best of the bunch for me regarding side effects. Even cut the 10mg in half - that is what I have done for my mum!

02-05-12, 18:51
Hi all, Thank you so much for your replies...lisa your story made me cry you too have been so brave...i bought a book called "at last a life" I read it and something clicked with me instantly about not fighting the anxiety and I have had a really calm day...I actually walked into town with my sister and was ok ! I am on my own today and I had a headache and felt really sick and the thoughts started I stared to panic and i calmed myself down....so im going to try going out again tomorrow...small steps right ? I hope im not just using it as an excuse not to take the tablets but I honestly feel really calm sitting here :)

08-07-12, 09:57
Well I am now on day 4 of a quarter of a tablet and that is a massive thing for me, thank you all for taking the time to reply to me xxx