View Full Version : hate the breathless feeling

01-05-12, 21:12
hi all my first post here i constanlty feel like its hard to breath not so much breathless all the time but stomach feels so swollen that its difficlut to breath then i think anxiety starts and i feel breathless doesany 1 else get these feelings

01-05-12, 21:18
Yes exactly, one minute I feel fine, the next the breathlessness starts and so does everything else especially the gut.

01-05-12, 21:30
thank u for the reply cmc46 im glad im not alone its so horrid

01-05-12, 23:07
I have this right now.. It's a very annoying symptom and always makes me think the worse. I've had it on and off for months now and I've been check out by many doctors and they all say the same thing.. ANXIETY!!! You're not alone on this one! Xx

02-05-12, 00:54
Exactly! The swollen belly feeling. It feels like it's at the top, below my ribs, like my lungs can't expand because my belly is swollen!
I can't work out if it's muscle tension because of the anxiety or if I've just filled my stomach with air because of the anxiety or if my stomach is actually swelling at this time o_O

02-05-12, 01:31
I swear tonight's posts are about me!! Just posted in a funny tongue thread and now this! I've got exactly the same feelings as the op and MidnightCalm - swollen belly and not quite filling my lungs enough to satisfy!

Dang... this anxiety thing does some weird stuff to you!

btw... is anyone experiencing dizzy spells where they almos feel like they are passing out? It only happens when i crouch down and then stand up but it is a wave of hot, prickly sensations followed by a slight dimming of sound and a wibbly vision. If anyone's got that then i've scored a hat-trick tonight!! :D

02-05-12, 03:28
I've never described the feeling I've had as a swollen belly, so im not sure if what I has is 100% the same, but it could be. The way I've described my feeling is like I am able to get air, but not enough to feel comfortable, cause I start trying to take large deep breaths, and the best way I can describe is that..I only get 90% of the air that I want. If I dont get that full 100, it starts worrying me.

02-05-12, 10:38
same as me i woke up feeling like i couldnt breath but i think its cos it came into my head about breathing which made it worse im trying to do housework and its very hard like im puffed out completly when i breath its like my belly is stompin me gettin enough air bit like when ur 9 months pregnant is the only way i can describe it lol

18-05-12, 00:23
I have this same thing the more I focus on it the worse the pain gets. I get breathing problems once in awhile and also missed beats....