View Full Version : what is hyperlasia i am worried sick

06-07-06, 12:55
as some of you no i had a polyps removed from my womb and had a letter this morning from gyno askin me to go back on 28th july as i have this hyperlasia they say its not cacerouse but needs treatment i feel so ill now
as any one had this and what treatment is it very scared trish

06-07-06, 13:04
Hi, I don't know the answer to this one, but I am at work at the moment (in a hospital!) and I could ask one of the nurses or med secs if you wanted me to find out.

However, I would suggest you maybe telephone your consultant's secretary and ask her - she will probably be able to answer your questions straight away but if not I'm sure she could find out and put your mind at rest.

Don't be afraid to ring the secretary - they shouldn't put stuff in letters without explanation if they don't want patients ringing up and asking what it means!


06-07-06, 13:08
Endometrial hyperplasia is a thickening of the lining of the womb, caused by overgrowth of the cells that line the womb. It is not cancer

Hope this helps.x

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

06-07-06, 20:24
hi trish

i had polyps removed from my womb and i also have hyperlasia i had a coil fitted to treat the condition it seems to be working well i hardly have any periods now. try not to worry you dont have cancer

all the best