View Full Version : Uncontrollable Blushing

01-05-12, 21:22

I just wanted to know if anyone else has this and has any coping strategies?

The massive problem for me is that blushing normally means you are embarrassed or you fancy someone.

When in face I do it when I am feeling uneasy/anxious in a situation, this causes BIG problems when I do it in male company for example in a work scenario as the males must automatically assume I fancy them when I don't!!!!

I get uneasy in front of really important/superior people and go red and it really doesn't look professional when I'm at work, and then when I realise I'm doing it I get more anxious and go more red. So much so I can feel my face going burgundy and my heart is thumping.

Can anyone help... PLEASE!!????

Look.. even the smily indicates a red face = love!!.... :wub:

01-05-12, 21:38
I've not seen that smiley before - aw it's lovely! :wub:
I have this too and afraid there isn't really a way to stop it! It's even worse when someone goes "you're going red!" because you go even more red!
I reassure myself with the fact it lets people know when I'm uncomfortable and shows people I'm a safe person, not over confident. Some gentlemen even see a blush as a lovely thing, a sign of humbleness.

02-05-12, 00:35
I think it's attractive if a girl blushes and a sign of sensitivity and humility - not just that she must 'fancy me' lol.

Have a word with your GP because there are some meds that could help with this if it's really interfering in your everyday life. Otherwise, learning techniques which help you overcome shyness/anxiety is your other option, ie talking therapy. As you become less self-conscious of blushing it will definitely diminish.

02-05-12, 15:05
Ok, I have developed this not on my face but on my arms and chest, sometimes thighs over the past month. It is SUCH A PAIN!! I give a lot of presentations and any time I am nervous or stressed I get all blotchy, and then you see the blotches and get more embarrassed, which makes it even worse, and then have to explain to people what is going on.

Mine developed after I got a really bad rash during a virus so I am going to the doctor to see if they can give me any prescriptions for it ... It's just so embarrassing!