View Full Version : Anyone awake

02-05-12, 03:20
Need to chat the usual yet again fell asleep for what seemed like a long
time to suddenly wake to find only been asleep 20 minutes and now
feeling anxious.....anyone ever feel like this, it seems to be a happening to me
alot more so the week before a period
Manda x

02-05-12, 04:40
Can't sleep either!

02-05-12, 05:04
Me too fell asleep then woke up feeling anxious tho its is easing now its such a pain : /

02-05-12, 05:37
Had the same problem last night, fell asleep at 4am, woke up at 5 30am shaking and heart rate going, had a terrible sleep for when i did drift back off, and feel like hell today, convinced I am physically Ill once again!

02-05-12, 20:33
Thank you to all who replyed, didn't want
you to think I was being ignorant not posting
back.....i went offline and then couldn't get back on

02-05-12, 22:54
Why not go to the chat room? There is often somebody online at some point during the day. You find that whilst we're asleep early hours of the morning there are Americans online during their evening.