View Full Version : Advice

02-05-12, 07:52
Hi Guys

Just wanted to ask if anyone has had to go down a formal route ( Complaint about NHS ) about there care in relation to their Mental Health issues. I believe that I have suffered GAD since I was in my childhood and around Christmas I was given Valium/Diazepam for really bad anxiety/depression. Please no lectures on the dangers I know.:lac: This is the only medication that has helped and now I am being treated like a Junkie trying to get some from G.P/Psychiatrist ::mad: I have been a toxic dumping ground for AD's for 7 years now and I am pretty fed up with it.::mad: Just wanted to know if anyone has had similar issues?


02-05-12, 08:43
Hi there,

No lectures, I promise. Just a couple of suggestions...

I think you know that diazepam isn't the long-term solution for you - it will have become less and less effective and obviously it causes dependency. A conversation with your GP should take the form of alternatives to manage your anxiety in the longer term (different meds, therapy, lifestyle changes etc.). You know better than I do that, whether we like it or not, there's no easy cure and it's only through our own actions that we can beat anxiety.

Have you tried going to your GP with a firm plan to reduce your diazepam? If you demonstrate that you've thought it through and aim to get off it, he should be more accommodating with your prescription. I always find that by showing you're firmly in control, GPs are more ready to listen.

Sorry if you've already tried these tactics but I'm trying to think of ways to help as I can imagine how hard it must be for you and I don't think the formal complaint route will help you in the long term. It will only make your relationship with your practice more strained and, ultimately, any GP will try to get you to stop diazepam.

Take care

Pip x

02-05-12, 09:32
No lectures from me. I know exactly where you're coming from. Sometimes when all else fails and you suffer so much, taking a sedative which brings you some relief from the constant symptoms of anxiety is all that will help. GP's hate prescribing them because of the risk of dependency but anxiety is an illness just like any other and just refusing to give them without giving support and help is likely to cause an already anxious person a lot more worry and stress.

02-05-12, 13:04
@ Pipkin...Hi Pipkin thanks for your reply I do appreciate it and it has gave me some ideas, thanks again.

@feelingbad ...Hi feelingbad , yeah that is the problem my anxiety being high at the moment this is just making it worse. I have asked the G.P for 2mg twice a day for a month not a massive dose considering they gave me 15mg a day at Christmas. Then 2 weeks ago once I was down to 2mg a day said that's it no more. I still don't think even the healthcare professionals regard mental health issues like other health problems. Anyway rant over thanks for the reply I think you were spot on.....

02-05-12, 17:53
I take Oxazepam daily but was only allowed it after being sent to see Proffesor Nutt at the Bristol Royal Infirmary - you may have heard of him as he used to give advice to politicians on drug use. Anyway to cut a long story short he recommended to my GP that I continue on the meds as they are helping me lead a normal life. I don't abuse them, don't take more than the prescribed dose or when not too anxious I won't take one, I don't drink, don't smoke, don't take illegal drugs, hold down a full time stressful job, own my own house etc. Without the help of this medication through the years I would probably be housebound and unable to live any sort of normal life. I accept that I have an illness and I know people frown upon this type of medication, but if it helps then what harm does it do? And yes I have tried every therapy out there so I'm not burying my head in the sand and thinking that meds are the answer but if it helps its no worse than someone taking medication for another type of illness. Good luck x

02-05-12, 18:32
Hi neowallace, I have to agree with Pipkin and feelingbad here, especially Pips wise words about not making a complaint but showing that these drugs are helping you, but you realise that they are not long term and that you are in control and aim to get off them, they may be more inclined to prescribe.

I have been on 12mg day since last November, I consider myself lucky that my GP 'gets me' and is aware that I could not function on SSRI's or SNRI's. I too have financial/home commitments and a full time job and diazepam has been a life saver for me, and allowed me to 'function' after a total breakdown. I have suffered panic & anxiety on and off for several years. I don't know where I would be without the diaz, but at the same time, I am now at the point where I am feeling the time is coming to reduce and see how I cope without them. TBH, I am fed up feeling tired and not fully alert, I know they are only masking my anxieties, and as I am almost half way through my 12 week CBT, the time is coming to think about reducing the meds to see exactly how far I have come. My doc knows how I feel and as he is aware that I am not coming across as 'desperately' needing them, he is happy to prescribe and reduce when I am ready. He will then prescribe them on an 'as & when' basis, which is where I was before my breakdown in November.

I wish you luck and if you try this approach, you may just find them a bit more accomodating in your dilemma.

Kitti :)

02-05-12, 23:13
Hi Kittikat

Thanks for sharing your experience very much appreciated:)

03-05-12, 12:57
Hi Guys

Just been on the phone to Doctor about Diazepam. Had full blown argument with him. Sometimes you are better letting it go. Anyway was told that the care I am looking for is not available on NHS. He suggested going back to AA ( Alcoholic Anonymous 3 times a week for anxiety and depression problems that was the best he had to offer. I left AA because it made me feel anxious and I have been sober 6 years more so not going to AA. He said I was looking for a Nanny (charming). I now feel even more anxious and depressed thanks to Doctor. He is referring me back to Hospital another waste of time. I am going to use the Mental Health Advocacy route, and hope they can help.


03-05-12, 23:50
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear this, how unprofessional of your doctor....could you see a different one? That's just awful....like 'passing the buck' as if you don't even matter. Maybe you are right neo....time to make a complaint. Wish you luck and hope this doesn't set you back too much. Don't these people get anxiety?? Baffles me sometimes.....:shrug: Kitti