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View Full Version : horrible sensations and convinced i'm dying

02-05-12, 08:17
Please someone help me, this morning i feel awful I keep getting a swaying sensation, chest feels funny and constantly aware of my heartbeat. I also have head pressure, my eyesight feels funny and i keep feeling like i'm about to just drop to the floor, I feel flushed in the face, but have cold hands and feet. I'm so worried that i have something seriously wrong with me. My ears are itchy inside and feel full. I do have a slight cold at the moment, so it could be something to do with that, but anxiety is telling me no. I'm such a mess at the moment and am so emotional. Please help someone.:weep:

02-05-12, 09:00
Hi honeyb, i get the swaying sensation and its like being on a boat. I have had this on and off for a few weeks and i also get the head swings that just come out of the blue. I was at a parents evening last week and as we were talking to my little girls teacher i suddenly got the swaying sensation and i started to panic. I didnt say to anyone at the time and it went after a few minutes but it really is scary.
Before xmas when i had another bad time with anxiety i was so ill i was convinced i was dying and the doctor was missing something. I had all your symptoms, palpitations,felt like i couldnt get a full breath, headaches, dizziness, IBS, pains by my ovary. I also would get where my face would flush up and feel on fire. I was in a right state and i gradually felt better after numerous blood tests etc and then i look back and i think what a fool i was and i wont ever let myself get like that again. But here i am again worrying over a lump.

02-05-12, 09:04
I just want it to stop zippy i can't stop crying at the moment, i'm so fed up with it and i think my family are too. I don't want to go to the drs because i don't want to go on tablets (scared of the side effects). I'm terrified i keep thinking about my little boy growing up without his mom.

02-05-12, 09:11
Hi its horrible the swaying isnt, your description of how you are feeling is probably the closest to how i felt a few months back. I really feel for you. The cold will put added pressure in your head and ears so it has probably just topped off what you was feeling anyway. When i was first unwell i would sit on the sofa and feel like i as being pulled back like i was leaning, then the swaying started. When i lay don at night can feel myself swaying or like swinging like a pendulum. Apparently it is the tense muscles in the next that affect your balance, as well as the muscles into th ears which do the same thing. A cold is going to add to this.

The full head is horrible and the feeling like you will just drop, I would feel like the floor would drop away or i was sinking and asnt sure if i would stay conscious. Because your head is like that and you are unwell it will affect your eyes as all your muscles are affected and every thing seems blurry ? I also had the cold hands and feet and sometimes would just generally feel cold air from some where. The coldness then made me feel shaky and more worried.
I could go on about those symptoms lol .... hope you are managing xx

02-05-12, 09:17
Yes i know what you mean honeyb, whenever i am alone i just sit crying and have a big black cloud of doom hanging over my head. David (my partner) said last night i am going to have to stop worrying about this lump because he isnt worried its anything bad at all and he can see i am getting worse and going into my anxiety state. He gets fed up with me because i was like this just before xmas and it doesnt matter what anyone says to me to convince me i am not dying i dont believe them. I also think about my 2 girls growing up without no mam. I feel really irritable as well.

02-05-12, 09:59
Thanks guys for your reassurance, i just find it difficult to believe that its anxiety doing this to me. My Husband is getting fed up with me too, he says that it's been going on for so long now that if it was anything serious it would have happened by now. I can't sort of see this, but I still feel so helpless and just a wreck. I feel shakey, but when i go home at night i'm fine with my husband and little boy around me. It's when i have to go things on my own and got to work (does that sound crazy?). I feel safe with my husband (like he's my safe person). When he is not around i get panicky and hate being alone.

02-05-12, 10:05
How long have you felt like this? I have patches of feeling fine for 4-5 months and then i get another symptom and it starts again. I probably won't believe this lump isn't life threatening until it goes or i get it scanned. It's awful feeling like this and needing constant reassurance. I am worse on my own i just cry all day but i know i cant in front of the kids.

02-05-12, 10:19
I've worried about my health on and off for years. I was actually doing ok (apart from a few wobbles) until my uncle died about 9wks ago, plus that footballer having a heart attack, then that marothon runner that died, and now i'm convinced i have a heart problem. I also worry that my worring will bring on a heart attack. I go though bouts of feeling fine then having a few months of this. I keep thinking surely if i feel ok when my hubby is around then it can't be anything too serious. I wake in the night thinking about how i feel too.

02-05-12, 10:22
I think the worst thing is it feels so intense it is almost impossible to believe it is anxiety.

02-05-12, 10:26
That's true Jamesk, all my symptoms are magnified at the moment. I feel drunk and not with it, sometimes i wonder how i drive to work.

02-05-12, 10:27
That's true Jamesk, all my symptoms are magnified at the moment. I feel drunk and not with it, sometimes i wonder how i drive to work.

Are you sure you aren't me? :ohmy:

02-05-12, 10:34
Haha, wish we could all just be normal (i've forgotton how that feels).

02-05-12, 10:46
Do you think you would be better off not going to work and resting until it calmed down ?
I dont know if this helps but the thing is with the people you described with the heart problems is that they had no warning, they didnt suffer for months and months having our symptoms or it would have come out. The worse things usually have no vague sensations, or on off symptoms they just happen dont they ?
You really wont cause a heart attack, when you think how fast sportsman and stuntmans hearts go when under pressure they can take an awful lot.
It is normal to feel safe with one person for reassurance i think most people do, is your concern about panicking or making a fol of your self when out making it worse for you ? maybe it would be better if people around you knew what was going on ?
take care x

02-05-12, 11:00
Thanks rockydog, I'm worry about the feelings i get and the panic attacks and also making a fool of myself.

02-05-12, 11:10
Yeah I know what you mean, but at least you are managing to carry on to a certain point. It is easy to get set off again by things that happen around you, but try and keep to the facts in your mind and think about how its all happened before and you have come through it. It really wouldnt go away when you was home with your husband if it was anything else or even when you were sleeping. I know its still as frightening though when you have the thoughts.
Maybe come up with some excuse to people you are out with (thats what i did lol ) like i have a really low blood sugar and a hormone problem and its making me shakey at the moment. Then if you feel unwell you can say oh im not feeling too good and people will be ready to help you. Not saying is just adding to your adrenalin and making it more likely to happen :) xx

02-05-12, 14:25
Lol, funny how all are partners and husbands are getting fed up of us!!
My husband is getting frustrated and says similar things, like if it was serious it wud have happened by now and i look at u and hear ur symtoms all day every day, do u honestly think i wud just sit here if i thought u we're dying..
To them its that simple, but to us its so much harder, all i keep doing is checkin my blood pressure, which panics me more cuz it keeps showing low.. i stare at my hands and they r pale n cold, god i am so obsessed, i hope u all feel better soon xxx

02-05-12, 14:53
Ha yes, my husband keeps saying that too and saying things like one of these days i will walk in and find you hooked up to a drip. It is funny when you aren't feeling like it, but when you have the symptoms it's terrifying. Thanks x

02-05-12, 15:01
Yes i even have a good laugh at myself when i feel ok again about how stupid i have been. But as you say its not nice at the time because we believe it x