View Full Version : Memories

06-07-06, 16:11
A friend on ours passed away on Monda after being declared Brain Dead. He was only 18. He had been involved in a massive car crash, and being the passenger took the full brunt.

We went to see him on sunday as his father called asking us to come in to see if we could wake him, he had been given 24hrs to wake up, unfortunatly he didnt wake, and on the monday after tests he passed away peacfully.

The problem is i cant get the picture of him lying on the hospital bed out of my head, and i am constantly picturing it.

Has anyone else had this experience and how did you forget about the bad and picture the good? :(

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

06-07-06, 18:37
Hi there, how awful, am so very sorry for you and your friends family, can't begin to imagine what everyone is going through. Try to take Nigel's advice, it will all take time, it is so very raw for everyone at the moment, be kind to yourself, and if you can, be strong for those around you that it has affected, not easy, but take care. xxx