View Full Version : Scared of doctors

becks xxx
02-05-12, 14:14
Haven't been on here for so long, how is everyone doing?
My whole life I've been scared of going to the doctors.. About 5 years ago I think I developed bacterial vaginosis.. I still have it, and so want it to go but I'm just too scared to go to the doctors
Now I think I have oral thrush too. I have all white/yellow stuff on my tongue that goes into my throat too. Now I've read if u don't treat this it can spread to ur chest and lungs and end up killing you
I'm in a state because I know I need to go but I can't.. For the bacterial vaginosis, the doctor will need to do a swab. I'm only17 and not sexually active, I am too embarrassed to be getting myself out infront of a doctor. Any advice?

02-05-12, 18:10
Hi Becks,

Oral thrush can be treated with some over the counter meds...(daktarin oral jel plus mouthwashes etc).

If you are really to frightened to go to see your GP why not speak to the chemist and they could try to treat it??

In terms of GP's can you not ask to see a lady doctor? They really are used to seeing so many different things every day and honestly you have nothing to worry about...if your surgery doesnt have a lady gp what about the nurse?

I hope that helps.
