View Full Version : Soft?

06-07-06, 16:15
Soft stools. Really soft, not watery but they were on Saturday. SOrry to keep posting this but it keeps happening. How soft is normal? Is it possible my recent diet of McDonald's and Pizza Hut could cause this?:(

06-07-06, 16:19
I would say yes your diet doesnt help, but soft is nothing to worry about either, not being disgusting!! but mine varey from day to day depending on what i have eaten ect. Try not to worry. x

"Why does life turn you upside down and inside out then back round again"

polly daydream
06-07-06, 16:52
Boy if you are that worried, you must go back to your dr. Mine the last week or so have been very soft too, sometimes even watery, but I have put that down to citilopram that I have just recently started taking.


06-07-06, 18:25
Hi, if it helps to know, mine are either soft and mushy, or small and pellet like - vary rarely anything that resembles normal. I am being told that you can have IBS without the cramping pain, that it is just abnormal spasms of the bowel that causes it.

I find if I eat fatty foods I am definitely worse, and a change in diet will alter your bowel habits. I find it really hard to eat healthily when I am feeling low, but I force myself to - it's much easier to grab some junk than cook a proper meal and I crave junk when I am down, but I think I feel better in the long run for a healthy diet.

Take care,

06-07-06, 19:11
Why are you so obsessed with this????????

From now on go, wipe, flush wash your hands and leave, so much easier and less worrying.


'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-07-06, 19:17
hi boy

i agree with trac. Also depending on what you eat can affect what you produce!

the more you focus and examine this the worse it will become.

if you are so concerned then a quick chat with your GP will put your mind at rest.


........life is for living not just for surviving

06-07-06, 19:52
I had diarrohea for over 6 months at one point - went to docs and it was all anxiety related he said.

It happens

Diet helps. More fibre etc.

Don't keep looking at it - it will get better in time


emma chant
06-07-06, 20:10
Hi Boy,
If i was you i would go to the doc's.

e chant

06-07-06, 20:16
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Why are you so obsessed with this????????

From now on go, wipe, flush wash your hands and leave, so much easier and less worrying.

<div align="right">Originally posted by trac67 - 06 July 2006 : 20:11:16</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
When I can feel it's really runny I worry.

06-07-06, 21:36
Boy, one minute you got a lump up your bum and the next your errrm poo is not looking normal...

Maybe you should take a sample to the drs.

Like some of the said, you are obsessed with this.

Take care



06-07-06, 21:52
Don't worry - it is perfectly normal and you need to change your diet and it will be fine

This obsession with your poo is not good however and you need to deal with that first.


06-07-06, 22:57
I'm assuming ur use of the word 'obsession' refers to my reoccupation with its possible health warnings and not some sick fetish. :o

07-07-06, 04:49
Hi Boy -
No one is saying that it is a fetish. We have all worried over health things - mine was having a heart attack.
But the more that I thought about it and dwelled on it - the worse I felt and the more symptoms I would have.
All they are saying is that it is a slippery slope - it could very well turn into an all out phobia if you keep dwelling on it.
I agree that you should go to the doc and if he/she says it is not something serious then you should try to not even look. Just as Trac said just flush, wash up, and be done with it.

07-07-06, 07:55
Boy, I am not saying it's a fetish but an obsession. We all find things wrong with us but you must sit at home and check your body over and over again to see what you can find next to worry about.

Are you on medication?

Take care



07-07-06, 09:44
You guys are great, normally. How comes this guys getting a hard time because he stresses about bowels? Arent we all on here for the same reason? Obsessing about our health? Or am i missing something here.
Caz xxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

07-07-06, 10:16
Was that directed at me?
I am not iving him a hard time, I am just saying that he seems to have some kind of obsession with this.

Take care



07-07-06, 10:21
Try not to worry. Anxiety plays havoc with your bowells and so does junk food. I have been preoccupied with similar problems in the past so you are not the only one to have gone through this. However, just to put your mind at rest, have a word with your doctor.

07-07-06, 10:44
It was aimed at anyone that basically lost their patience with him, cant remember the name of the mod on someone elses thread but he/she said 'dont worry, you can post as many times as you need, we are here for you' to someone. I just thought we were all obsessed with health worries thats why we are here. I didnt know there was a limit. Ooops.
Caz xxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

Two heads
07-07-06, 21:44
Hi boy
Please stop worrying sweet you are normal.poo changes all the time depending on your diet.Mine can go from one extreme to the other hun.Just go and dont think about it,try not to even look.You will be fine onestxxxxx

07-07-06, 22:24
Whatisitnow - there is no limit to posts etc.

However, I don't know how many of boys posts you have followed. He is always analysing his poo and it is not doing him any good atall.

That was all we were saying. That he needs to stop it. This is one of many posts about it.

We are trying to reassure and help. The doctor would say the same - stop looking at it!


07-07-06, 22:29
I don't need to look at it tho. When it squirts and splutters out regularly it worries me.

07-07-06, 22:31
Thanks Nic as I think the post from whatisitnow was aimed at me too.

When i was worried about my blood pressure all the time and kept going to the doctors i was told to stop worrying about it, which is what i was telling boy to do with his bowel movements, when you suffer with health anxiety you have to be told things harshly sometimes to stop you from obsessing over them.

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

07-07-06, 22:32

I have it most days as well - just have to accept it is anxiety I guess.

I just gave up looking at it!


08-07-06, 08:12
Ok all -
That comment was aimed at me. Sorry it took so long for me to reply but I am in the US so my hours are alot different.
Anyway - I was not trying to give Boy a hard time and yes it was me who said in another thread that anyone can post as many times on the same subject as they want to - after all this is a support forum and that is what we are here for.
That is why I replied how I did on this post too. I wasn't trying to give him a hard time only make him see that I had also worried about health issues and that dwelling on something can turn it into a out and out phobia. I don't think that anyone reading this will disagree with that.
I truely apologize to you, boy, if I have offended you with anything that I have said. That definitely wasn't my intent at all.
As I have said I believe that this forum is for support but I also believe that it is a good thing to give a gentle nudge in the right direction when needed and that is what I thought I was doing when I replied.
Oh and by the way - I NEVER lost my patience with Boy or anyone else on the forum so far. I have had anxiety for 15 years and I still struggle with things. I would never judge anyone for what symptoms they have or what health concerns they are worried about.

08-07-06, 14:32
I wasnt having a go at anyone if thats how it came across which by the looks of it it did. Just never seen responses like that before & wondered why people basically told him to get a grip. Ive seen others on here mentioning chest pains, jaw pains, arm pains over & over. Also wondered if i had missed something, me being nosey my bad. No i havent really seen boys posts before, and im a bit rubbish at remembering who posts what previously a lot of the time unless its really regular they post. It just rang a bell with me when i had IBS & the way he constantly examines it. Once i had been told by the doc to stop, i wouldnt even look at it for about a year after to be honest so i know how obsessive it can get.
Sorry if people thought i was having a rant i wasnt. Im not too good at putting things down on screen obviously lol
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!