View Full Version : Convinced it is a brain tumour

cheesy pete
02-05-12, 18:20

I've been really struggling for the last couple of weeks and this week is getting worse! It is now starting to affect work and I have been off the last couple of days.
Once my episodes start i find it very difficult to think of anything else and i keep something terrible is going to happen to me (brain tumour is my latest issue). Headache starts around eyes and temple, head pressure, brain fog and i feel very shaky. Can this really all by caused by anxiety (or at least that what I keep thinking).
Went to a walk in centre yesterday evening and the doctor checked me over and said there was no sign of tumour but why don't i believe him!!!


02-05-12, 18:32
It sounds more like a tension headache and/or sinus problems to me.

You have to believe the doc though and not what we say on here.

02-05-12, 18:32
Pete so sorry you are going through this. It is very difficult and I empathise with you. Anxiety can manifest in many ways and they can make us feel like there is something drastically wrong with us. Have you ever seen your own GP re these symptoms? Does your own GP know you suffer with anxiety??? Are you getting any support (medical / family) or treatment for your anxiety?

02-05-12, 18:32
Yes anxiety can cause all those because i have had headaches, brainfog, off balance, dizziness etc and i have had 2 brain mri scans and both normal.

cheesy pete
02-05-12, 19:35
Hey everyone, thanks for the responses.

K1rsty, my doctors are aware of my anxiety but i'm not sure they know the level it has reached. I'm planning to go and see them as I can't continue like this, especially at work where the anxiety seems to be at its worst. I am lucky as I have great boss who is understanding and family are a continual support and i know I am going to need in the weeks and months ahead.
Thanks all
