View Full Version : Unexplained severe pelvic pain

02-05-12, 19:34
Hi everyone
Last week I had such severe lower abdo pain (pelvic area) I had to go to A and E and they had to give me morphine. I stayed overnight and they did bloods tests - all clear, and ultrasound - nothing found - all clear.
They sent me home but a couple of days later I was in extreme pain again and went back to A and E. They did more bloods, examined me, did blood pressure, pulse and temperature etc and said they couldn't find anything wrong, but it could be endometriosis coming back even though I've had a hysterectomy.
Been to gynae, he doesn't think endo, but possibly diverticulitis or unexplained pelvic pain syndrome??? He's going to do an intravaginal ultrasound to check but said he doesn't think there's anything serious as all bloods clear, ultrasound clear etc.
Anyone else have any similar experiences? Am still in pain and on strong painkillers.

01-08-12, 09:50
Oh you poor thing!! I know exactly how you feel!! Six months after having my 3rd baby I started to get period like pains along with period like back ache my son is now 30 months old, this got progressively worse and I am now taking 60mg di-hydrocodeine 3 times a day, along with 250g naproxen 2 times a day, I was utterly convinced I had endometriosis, I was put under a consultant and begged for a laproscopy which I had 2 days ago and unfortunately they didnt find anything at all, my tubes and ovaries are all clear and I have no adhesions and there is no endometriosis, I was devastated, I honestly thought that this laproscopy was going to be the answer and I would be "fixed" and pain free. The surgeon even suggested IBS????? I know where my pain is, it is period like pain not "I need the toilet" pain!! I hope you get your pain sorted and keep on at your doctor until you get the answers you need, Im going back to my doctor tomorrow morning. Have you had your scan yet?

01-08-12, 19:42
Hi ya, could your pain be described as muscular. Sometimes we get trigger points in the rectus abdominis (lower abdominal muscle) which causes pain similar to what you describe. If all other causes are ruled out I would see a massage therapist to check this out.
Best wishes

01-08-12, 20:02
Have you had a full STD test just in case?
Have you tried antibiotics in case it's an infection of some kind?
is it any way tied to you cycle?
Hope it goes away or they figure out the cause x