View Full Version : I always wonder

02-05-12, 21:25
I always wonder if there is a connection between weed smoking and panic attack.
Yea when i was teenager I tried weed and got really scared of its effects.
These effects are tunnel sight, thinking that every one is staring at you, dizziness, sweating, feeling like going to through up, nervous, thoughts that iam going insane....
These all effects happened to me when I am having panic attack.
Is there any connection between these things? I dont smoke weed from that time, good God never again. But the weird thing is that effects are the same.

02-05-12, 21:29
Oh yes there is a massive connection between the two and a lot of people develop panic attacks after smoking illegal drugs.

02-05-12, 21:37
Does anyone know if it is due to repeated exposure or could an isolated usage also cause it?

02-05-12, 22:11
Does anyone know if it is due to repeated exposure or could an isolated usage also cause it?

Repeated exposure causes a tolerance to the drug, meaning you have to smoke more to get an effect, which causes stronger negative side effects.

Thanks, Jeremy Kyle, lol!

03-05-12, 00:40
I never tried weed. Good to know that it may heighten panic attacks. I will stay away.

03-05-12, 00:46
Does anyone know if it is due to repeated exposure or could an isolated usage also cause it?

Isolated usage can cause it too

03-05-12, 08:29
Thank you Rennie and Nicola - that is really interesting. I tried it once for pain control. It never helped with the pain but it did make me feel really really anxious and depressed.

03-05-12, 21:41
Wow, I'm glad I read this. I had always been super anxious, but I smoked when I as younger....then would quit for a year, smoke once, quit for another year, smoke onced more, and I had the worst panic attack ever! And then I didn't touch the stuff for another almost year and a half......Then I ate a tiny piece of edible, and had a panic attack that lasted for 5 hours! Ever since then, I've had the worst anxiety, and it spiraled out of control with panic when I was completely sober for about three weeks in January....I'm even super careful about drinking now....Sometimes I feel so "unreal" and like I'm going crazy, but this website has helped SO much. And it really helped me to see a doc after being referred by my friend who has anxiety.