View Full Version : Anxious about returning to work!

02-05-12, 22:24
I have been off work for 3 weeks with anxiety and depression. I'm due to return to work next week. I'm worried about having an anxiety attack at work. Its those "what ifs" that are getting to me. Also my anxiety is worse in the morning. Any tips would be really helpful. Thankyou:)

02-05-12, 22:50
Go to work as normal and see how it goes. You may find that because you've been off for 3 weeks you feel safe and relaxed at home. Once you get back to work the anxieties should go, or not be as bad, and you'll get back into the swing of things :)

If you go back and it really is too much then consider having shorter shifts or fewer duties to ease you back into work.

I have a blog on this which may help, this is the link:

02-05-12, 23:08
I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago and I found it helped the week before to make my way into the city where I worked using the mode of transport I would normally use.
I would ring a pal who worked in the office to meet me for a coffee. I just found it helped get me back in a routine rather than just leaving it until the morning I had to return. It got easier as the week went along. Would this be something you could try? :)

02-05-12, 23:13
It's definately something I will try! That's great advice! And if it works for you then give it a go.

02-05-12, 23:13
I was in the same situation about 4 weeks ago having been off for ten weeks due to HA I too was worried about an attack at work, try not to give it any thought as that fuels the anxiety, be positive, I'm sure you'll be fine. You'll probably surprise yourself how fine you'll b and hopefully look back at this post n thibk why the hell was I worried lol....with me being off so long I had to do a phased return to work, would that b a possibility for you?

What do u do for a living?

02-05-12, 23:24
I find it's the build up and once I am in the situation I do cope (most of the time). Could you arrange with work to start late morning and give yourself time to feel less anxious? I am open with people at work about my condition and I find this helps when I'm not so good and if I've had to have time off. This obviously is just my personal experience. :winks:

02-05-12, 23:53
I find it's the build up and once I am in the situation I do cope (most of the time). Could you arrange with work to start late morning and give yourself time to feel less anxious? I am open with people at work about my condition and I find this helps when I'm not so good and if I've had to have time off. This obviously is just my personal experience. :winks:

Totally agree....also a good idea to ask your doctor if you can do a 'phased return'...this could be anything from doing less days or hours a week or just going in later if you are worse in the mornings for a couple of weekks to see how you get on. I went back in January after 3 months off and I have to say the anticipation was worse than actually doing it. Although I will be honest and say I have had a few blips since returning, but I think this is fairly normal. Good luck.

Kitti :)

---------- Post added at 23:53 ---------- Previous post was at 23:44 ----------

Ooh...have just noticed that you are from Australia so don't know if you do phased returns there....but you could discuss with your employer if you can start a little later for the first few days just to ease yourself back in :)

03-05-12, 05:45
Thanks so much for the replies! Since I've been at my job for nearly eight years, you'd think I shouldn't have any worries. I'm going to face my anxiety head on and be positive that everything is going to be ok:D

03-05-12, 10:40
Hi Jayelle

Good for you it takes courage to go against our anxious natures. I've been in your situation quite a few times and found it not as bad as my mind can make it.

Best Wishes