View Full Version : Pounding heart so drained

03-05-12, 08:03
Hi I've been diagnosed with extreme anxiety and depression, they won't give me medication just want me to have counselling. I really can't take it anymore, I feel totally drained physically and mentally. My heart pounds like mad, my head feels like its going to explode I get the palps. Now I'm getting the sound of my heartbeat in my ears it's driving me insane, it's worse when I try to go to sleep or when I get up or go upstairs I can't take this anymore I ache all over get random shooting pains and my whole body feels so tight. Surely this can't be just anxiety everything I get I'm in sheer panic pain around heart I think I'm having heart attack,headache think its brain tumour pain in leg I think it's a blood clot. I'm a nightmare I'm ruining everyone around me as I don't want to do anything, I hate being on my own I just want to cry and cry. I'm so scared that these symptoms are not anxiety. My heart pounds like mad. Is this really anxiety and what can help me as I can't fight this anymore .:weep:

03-05-12, 08:17
Hi there,

It all sounds very familiar to me and almost certainly anxiety.

From what you've described, I recommend going back to your GP and asking for help as a matter of urgency. Beta blockers would help the symptoms you're describing and give you a bit of respite to be able to concentrate on the counselling - something worth saying to your GP.

Take care

Pip x

03-05-12, 08:25
Hi Bashley,

Believe me I can relate to your symptoms 100%. Up until 2 days ago I was exactly the same with my thudding heart, the whooshing sound of my heart in my ears when I lay down, and my stomach felt like it had another massive heart in it because that felt like it was constantly beating. I truly believe it is anxiety. At night when I sleep I either put headphones on and listen to meditation or hypnosis which I downloaded on my phone or I put the tv on in the bedroom to try and distract me. What frustrates me the most is when I eventually fall asleep I only sleep for 3-4 hours and as soon as I wake its all back again.

My Dr has prescribed valium but so far I have been too frightened to take it (because of medication phobia) . I would suggest seeing your Dr again or a different Dr and tell them you just cannot cope with the anxiety symptoms anymore and see if they relent in giving you something short term. Just say you need something to help you till the counselling kicks in.

I wish you well Bashley, and please know you are not alone on here.

03-05-12, 08:55
I can't relate 100% too. I'm having issues at the moment with my heart, i'm, convinced that i too have a heart problem. I too feel like i'm ruining everyone around me, i won't go to the drs because i don't want to go on medication (Scared of side effects). Every day i wake up and it's the first thing i think about. I can't always feel my heart beating fast, sometimes it feels like it's not beating properly. I've had blood tests, ecg's and they have come back fine. I'm still convinced the drs have missed something though.

03-05-12, 09:07
I feel exactly the same xxxx Pounding heart non stop for a month, weak, can't sleep properly, I feel like I'm going to die and I am bringing my housemate down too

03-05-12, 09:15
It's so hard isn't it? Because all you want is reassurance and people just don't understand if they haven't been through it.

03-05-12, 10:14
I think reassurance is very helpful, and NOONE will EVER understand it unless they have been through it! Before I had this relapse I had been studying mental health to bring awareness directly to anxiety disorders.

03-05-12, 14:02
I just want to thank you all for your replies, I just wish I could cope with anxiety. It really pulls me down. It's nice to know I'm not alone. I feel so guilty as I feel like I'm ruining everything for everyone else. I'm scared to o on holiday and don't enjoy anything anymore just want to hide away, I've lost all confidence so don't like meeting people as I feel so stupid as all I have in my mind is my health fears so I have nothing to talk about. From the moment I get up till the moment I go to bed its constant fear.

03-05-12, 14:17
Oh bashley i know how you feel, i'm going on holiday in 3wks and dreading it because i'm worried about feeling like this.