View Full Version : Anti bios. Any help?

03-05-12, 08:48
I'm on wk 2 of anti bios for a mouth abscess and I think I've developed thrush without the discharge, my question is I feel now like I have a uti! I'd this possible it's a weird achy pain in my bladder!!

Is that poss?

Lele x

03-05-12, 08:53
From past experience thrush can make you fee as if you have a uti as the skin gets so inflamed and this can make you feel like you need the loo all the time. I always get thrush after any antibiotic course and I never get the discharge just the terrible itch and inflammation.

Its unlikely you would get a uti while on antibiotics but not impossible.

03-05-12, 09:00
It's always advisable when your taking antibiotics to take a probiotic at the same time to balance the bacteria in your gut. I am on antibiotics at the minute and i have been taking the probiotics as well and i have had no thrush etc.

03-05-12, 09:05
Thanks guys

Do you ever get pelvic achy ness with thrush??