View Full Version : Cold sore - please help!!

03-05-12, 09:37
Ok so this is minor I know but I have this massive cold sore on my top lip, I've got them since I was a kid but not had one for years but I think the anxiety over the past week has possibly helped the flare up.
I'll tell you why it's the mother of all nightmare.. I start my new job on Tuesday!

Please, any help much appreciated! I've been using zoviarax on it for 2 days yet it's just bigger!

03-05-12, 17:06
Go and see the doc and they can give you something to take orally - they did for me

03-05-12, 19:58
I think there is a tablet that the doctor can prescribe, but they are a bit reluctant to do so, for some reason. In my expereience, it seems the only way to get rid of cold sores is to ride them out. If I ever get them, I apply Zovirax or similar more often than the pack suggests - like every hour. Seems to heal the process and dry them out quicker.

03-05-12, 21:21
These things ALWAYS happen just before you start a new job :)

I once got bitten by a parrot on the face and hand the night before I started a new job. Considering it was a call centre job I felt a bit silly turning up with a bandaged ear and strapped fingers.

Sorry that probably hasn't helped with the cold sore :blush:

03-05-12, 21:41
ice can help take down swelling and redness