View Full Version : shaking and feeling cold

03-05-12, 11:56
Does anyone else feel really shakey and cold? My feet and hands are cold and i can't stop shaking. My back feels tense and my chest feels weird. I'm really worried, please help.

03-05-12, 13:58
Yes i have had this with previous bouts of anxiety, i couldn't get warm and shivery. My back is aching off too and my stomach feels tense like in a knot and i try and take a deep breath to relax but it just goes back to tense again. And all last night in bed i had constant waves of butterflies that i have no control over.

05-05-12, 10:30
I suffer from this from time to time and put it down to a bit of general anxiety but my son says its due to low blood sugar if I've not eaten in a while...could this be your cause?

05-05-12, 19:16
im constantly freezing cold all day long i cant get warm unless i have a boiling hot bath!

06-05-12, 10:49
Thanks, i do think its anxiety, but it really gets me down when i feel like this. Then all my other symptoms start.

06-05-12, 17:05
Hi honeyb, it sounds like anxiety which can have amazingly varied symptoms (and trust me I feel I have had most of them...). This may help: http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms.shtml

06-05-12, 18:48
Thanks Marj, feeling awful at the moment. Normally I handle it, but with all the young deaths in the news, my HA has really come back.

06-05-12, 19:31
Hi - just a thought have you had your Thyroid checked?

06-05-12, 19:36
Hi Laura, had my bloods done middle of last year and everything was ok.

06-05-12, 21:05
I know the feeling, have been really bad for the last couple of weeks with terrible panic attacks and seriously gone through about three dozen horrid illnesses that 'doctors just have failed to diagnose'. It's really strange how some days you think you are getting better and then you wake up and it's all gone downhill. I am trying to distract myself with various things to stop me going online all the time to check up on all the b*oody symptoms I have as already was convinced that I am very close to a multiple organ failure on Friday, or at least a kidney failure. It was UTI although still am worried about kidneys. My boyfriend finds it very difficult to understand how I panic about these things and I guess it's difficult for anyone who hasn't been there. He wanted to watch the news the other night and I had to go away as couldn't hear about this spy's death. But this forum is very good as it makes me realise I am not the only person on the planet who feels these things.

07-05-12, 08:53
I know, my husband is the same, and I worry that I'm make his life a misery. I do my best to remain upbeat in front of my 4 year old to, but it's so hard. I'm terrible for googling to, but the web is full of sites are not medical and just normal people write on. Like you i've diagnosed myself with heart failure, heart arrithmia, brain tumor etc. I seem to be drawn to medical programs on the tv too.

02-10-14, 03:58
Hey.. Today I have had several, I guess.. Anxiety attacks.
Which would be after a stressful situation-
My whole body would start shivering from how cold I turned.
My jaws all the way to my toes. And it's not a little shake- it's a big one. It gets really cold and I feel pressure on my heart. Then after a few minutes, I feel normal again.
It takes a toll on me. And really intervenes with my daily life. How are some ways of reducing this to happen when I face this type of stress everyday?

Thanks in advanced.

10-12-15, 07:57
Yes I have exactly the same symptoms as you, its that Seven headed monster that's called anxiety!