View Full Version : Why the anxiety again?

03-05-12, 12:21
Hello all :)

I started suffering with severe anxiety back in Feb/Mar last year, hyperventilating, panic attacks etc. I've always been a worrier about most things, family, friends, health and the like.

I was put on Citalopram to help, and although the first few months were a bit of a rollercoaster, generally I've been a lot happier...until a week ago. I'm not sure what's happened, but the shortness of breath, restlessness and agitation is back and it's driving me insane.

I went to a party at the weekend where I didn't really know anyone, I thought maybe it was that, but I had a great time and that's over now.

The only other thing I can think of is that this weekend I'm supposed to be going to see a psychic on Saturday. Am I maybe anxious about what she'll say? I don't think I'm scared, but could I be subconsciously? I've never been to one before.

Thanks guys

Hayley xxx

03-05-12, 14:06
Hiya Hayley, by the way LOVE the Isle of Man, wheres about do you live there? Ive visited a few times :)

With reguards to your anxiety I deffinatly think something has triggered it like you say, unfortunaly with some of us it doesnt take much for our anxiety to spiral out of control again. I not so long back was having a few good days then I went to see a tranfigaration medium and had a panic attack whist I was there !! Couldnt settle myself for a few days after. Perhaps , as you say the anticipation of going to see a medium is causing your anxiety and hopefully after having been you can be calm again. Try not to see it as a set back and remember whatever coping methods you had last year to get you through it the first time. Don't be frightened of your symptoms just accept them for what they are, acknowledge them and believe that they will go and not stay and hopefully you'll get over this little blip.

Good luck hun xxx

03-05-12, 16:45
Hello all :)

The only other thing I can think of is that this weekend I'm supposed to be going to see a psychic on Saturday. Am I maybe anxious about what she'll say? I don't think I'm scared, but could I be subconsciously? I've never been to one before.

I would totally advise you to reconsider this decision to visit a psychic. The signs are already there that its not a good idea as you say you are experiencing increased worry and anxiety!!!

03-05-12, 19:04
Personally to anyone suffering anxiety/depression I would avoid mediums like the plague.

Just leave be - it will only cause more anxiety - I would be frightened to death to see one!

05-05-12, 11:10
Why don't you consult some Doctor??? Before taking any medicine or pills, you must go for Doctor's consultation....

15-05-12, 09:27
Thanks everyone :)

So, I bit the bullet and went...to be honest it was an experience, and even the medium could sense I was extremely nervous! As I do most of the time, I realised it really was nothing to be worried about.

The anxiety continued though for about another week, but now I seem to be back on track. Perhaps it was that, maybe it was something else...

I wish it were easier to pinpoint!

Hayley x