View Full Version : Feeling terrible and down

06-07-06, 20:57
Today i feel a bit fluey, almost like im rundown, i must admit ive done loads over the past weeks and non stopped, so maybe i need to relax, but i find since having anxiety when ever i feel slightly peaky or ill i get so stressed and worried thats its somethin serious and mite only turn out to be a sore throat. Today ive had a tickly throat very dry and sore, my ears are a bit tender and i have plans for this weekend im worried im gonna turn bed bound and never in my whole life will i wake up how stupid is this thinking. someone just reply so i know ur with me x

emma chant
06-07-06, 21:06
I felt like that yesturday iv'e been stressed out alot though lately.
Hopefully in few weeks i'm going away from where i live to relax.
Your not alone
With love

e chant

polly daydream
06-07-06, 21:12
Hi hun, sounds like you are a little run down, try to take it easy over the next few days, I'm sure you will be fine at the weekend. Have a good one.

Polly x

06-07-06, 21:15
you're not alone katy, anxiety plays with thoughts and 'builds them up'. i guess different people have different things/points that they are more prone to worrying over. make it a goal to come on here in the morning and tell us how you are? hang in there.

06-07-06, 21:28
Hi Katy, can't add anything other than what the others have said but hope you get better soon...

Take care



07-07-06, 11:56
Sounds like a allergy to me but could just be due to your anxiety.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything