View Full Version : Son's first nosebleed lasted 45 mins!

03-05-12, 16:26
Anyone have any experience of nosebleeds? My son 14 got one out of the blue in the car of all places, I had to stop at a house and ask for tissues, it just got worse and I was really freaking out, eventually it stopped but he had headache after. I am paranoid now he is going to suffer from them regularly or that it might be something more serious.

03-05-12, 17:55
I used to get them a lot growing up and still get them. My last lasted for about an hour and I was just exhausted afterwards. I don't think it's something serious I think they jsut are what they are.

03-05-12, 21:24
I remember my sister having one that was about an hour, she used ice to stop it. But she was fine.

03-05-12, 22:15
My elderly mother in law sometimes has them and they take ages to stop and this is what her Dr told me - if a nosebleed is soaking a towel and lasts longer than 15 mins then its emergency and needs an ambulance as you can lose enough blood to be dangerous but the emphasis here is on the amount of blood lost. She said it its soaking hankies then wait half an hour and if it starts to ease off take that into account.

My daughter in law had terrible nose bleeds as a teenager due to a weak blood vessel in her nose and used to faint with blood loss - she needed her nose cauterising in the end and this cured the problem.

Personally I would take your son to the Dr and tell him what happened as he may have a weak blood vessel. If it happens again remember the above so you can decide if he needs to go to A&E to stop the bleeding. They don't keep you waiting too long if you are bleeding all over them!

03-05-12, 23:25
hi, must b the season for them!!!! my nephew is 14 and in the last 2 days has had 4 nosebleeds!!
he had them a few times when younger which were soaking his pillow each morning and back then then the doc examined him and said all was well. These ones this week have not bothered him at all but worried his mam and me!!
like the other post says only if it's soaking through a lot would you need to see a doc, just make sure he carries some tissues with him all the time.
if ur really worried then take him to doc for a check up for some reassurance.