View Full Version : Feeling very odd, spaced out & not myself today

03-05-12, 19:30
Hi everyone.

I came off the contraceptive pill about 2 weeks ago now & since then I have had a mini period but it was very heavy straight away. That only lasted 4 days.
I had been on the pill for 2 and a half years or there abouts.

I have been feeling quite strange alot of the time since coming off...lethargic, spaced out & with bad pelvic pain.
Today has been one of the worst, I feel very gassy (tmi!) and have pains in my pelvis area. I am also weeing alot & thats like every 5 minutes.
I feel almost like I do before a period, theres also quite abit of discharge, (sorry guys!) & I don't know whats happening.
Do you think my body is having withdrawal symptoms from the pill?
I have been worried and anxious about ovarian cancer for months now & with the same symptoms presenting themselves its getting to be more worrying.
One of the symptoms i never had was the feeling full & not being able to eat a full meal, however today I have barely eaten anything and felt sick while eating my dinner because it was just too much but ive eaten barely anything today :(
Can anyone help or relate to me at all?

04-05-12, 11:33
Can anyone help