View Full Version : Hard lymph node, tiredness and :(

03-05-12, 19:41
Hi everyone. Thought I'd drop in here. Thanks for reading :)
For, well, pretty much years now, I've been battling a bit with feeling tired and achy, punctuated by recurring anxiety attacks, which make me feel dizzy and my heart beats very quickly. This in combination with having some weird relationship issues has made me a bit depressed I guess.
Last Friday, I noticed a hard swelling behind my ear. I went to the doc on Monday for the first time in years, and she told me it was a lymph node. She felt all over for other swollen lymph nodes and said there were none. She checked for an ear infection using her little torch thing - nothing there. And then sent off blood tests.
I'm all a bit worried about everything, that the tiredness I've had for ages was actually telling me something I should have listened to (I put it down to my job and stuff).
Does anyone have any experience at all with hardned lymph nodes in that area? Can they be caused by anxiety, or stress?
Also, in the Uk, does anyone know how long it usually might take for blood test results to come in, and do doctors often call directly if there is something to be concerned with? I have another appointment a week Monday, but wondered if I should call before, for the results.
Thanks for reading. I hope you are all well.

03-05-12, 19:49
I get hard lymphe nodes in my jaw when I'm feeling unwell, most of the time I'm not. It's when infection has been caught and it's killed before you get symptoms, like a cold.

Blood tests can take a few weeks to come back unless it's an emergency. The doctor may ask you to come back in a week or so or send you a letter/phone call to make an appointment once they get them back. They won't discuss the results over the phone hence why they ask you to come in. If it's been over 2 weeks I would suggest giving them a ring, but from experience if they haven't contacted me I guess they haven't found anything, but it's worth going in just in case.