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View Full Version : panic attack or real damage? too late

lou lou
03-05-12, 22:00
Im so scared right now, being perfectly honest with myself i have been quite a big drinker for probably about tenish years (im 25) i went tee total for almost 3 years when i had my two kids. but now i keep getting pains in my lower back and chest and numbness in my left arm & hand. i have suffered from panic attacks for 5 years & been in hospital more times than i can remember. but im starting to worry now that i've actually damaged my body & im scared to go to my doc in case they tell me something bad i dont want to leave my babies and im driving myself nuts.
and avice would be appreciated

04-05-12, 09:18
10 years is quite long to have been a big drinker, but i know people who have been like that for 20 years and some. 25 is young, and the fact you have stopped for 3 years is very unlikely you have caused real damage. Im not a doctor, and even though your scared to see yours it better to do that, than sit at home worrying. If there is a problem its better to get it sorted now, and if everything is ok, you can smile and move on. If you scared to go, its not nice, but do it for your babies dude, cus either way sitting at home isnt helping anyone.

good luck dude, go and keep us posted.

06-05-12, 04:12
You should see a doc.

If it turns out that you are fine, it would be a great relief isn't it? You have kids right? Go to the doc for their sake. If there really is anything wrong (which i pray to god there isn't for you), you can get it treated early.

Good luck dude. Yup keep us posted