View Full Version : Stuggling with sleep !

04-05-12, 06:56
I have been suffering on and off for about two years with anxiety, it was always more Health orientated. Recently I seem to worry about everything. My house is currently the cause of my worries. It sounds really silly but my brickwork around my hall window is bulging ! I am struggling to get this out of my thoughts, I am constantly thinking about it and havent slept properly in three nights. I have been on Citalopram which I came off after six months, I have had CBT for the Health Anxiety but using the tools from that does not seem to be working. I am very tired and emotional. I am waiting for a builder to come round and check but I am still really anxious. I have other things going on and not sure if it is linked, family falling out and constantly on the phone, a job where I am constantly playing catch up with paperwork and trying to diet as i am very overweight and I convinced I am going to get some devastating illness because I am big. Thanks for reading just needed to write down my thoughts and see if it helps x x

04-05-12, 12:36
I have other things going on and not sure if it is linked

One thing I have learned through my journey with panic and anxiety is that...it's all linked together. It's of this whole complex interaction that occurs.

First, I know how things can occupy the mind so much. You're on the right path to having a professional check out your bricks - trust in that professional and follow their advice, even if they say it's okay. Having a resolution to that will help settle your mind.

Second, I understand a struggle with weight. Please take small steps - don't try big losses, they won't last. Keep a diary of what you eat, look at nutrition labels, and if possible substitute fruit and veggies where you can.

I know you can do it, have faith in yourself and take things one step at a time whenever possible.

09-05-12, 11:13
Thanks stonecutter xx I am taking each day one step at a time, I have found this time that I have some pyhsical symptoms of anxiety but I am coping with them. I am not panicking they are something serious, I find if I take my mind off them they go after a few days. Thanks for your reply, people go through so much when dealing with anxiety its nice to share experiences and feelings. :)