View Full Version : Worrying round and round

04-05-12, 08:01
Hi, I wish to discuss my problem on this forum at last.

Briefly, when things go right and no stress I am quite happy and good mood, but when a problem, stress, threat, bad thought on someons or unfair event happening at work, I get in a sphere of worrying, especially when alone, at night, in a que, etc and would not know what I am doing, loose concentation, isolated from the world and be depressed for those 5-6 days until it gradually pass.

80% of the things mentioned above comes from work (a unit made of 20 people) because I have a perception that my boss does not like me and so I would never get a career satisfaction, important tasks, a travel or training opportunity or any credit.

I have also developepd a default character of mistust in people, thinking that they will be cheating me if I speak openly certain secret things or importan info related to work.

I am having too much of these events for the last 12-18 months and feel depressed, so much that I went to a psychiatrist who in turn odrdered cipralex 10mg/daily, but after 3 months taking them, I feel only a slight advantage (the disadvantages are a bit more tedious).

I am not assertative at all, and when such unfair things happen I dont have the courage to speak, and so accumulate everything inside, with the fear that if I speak, the boss will get more angry at me and more I get down in ranking of sympathy with him. This is more or less a default reaction with everyone not only my boss.

I am considering to quit, but this already happened with the previous job. I love my job itself, but what doeas that count if I come home depressed and cant enjoy my family or a good night sleep. I do sleep (11pm) but wake at 5am and spent an hour or 2 worryng, and playing mental movies of the situation.

Sometimes I feel that i will never be happy and a solution in my thoughts is to escape in a new place and start everything from scratch.

What shall I do?


04-05-12, 10:03
Sorry you are going through this - I can relate to what you have written. I have had to take time out for myself and I have spoken to my occupational health department. Do you have one that you could go and speak to?? Go back to your GP and tell them how you are feeling.

I know it is difficult when you are having these mental movies but try to distract yourself ie start reading a book or do a hobby. I found breathing exercises also really helped me to relax and calm down. Having a hobby has really helped me get out of the pattern of over thinking things.

I have very low self esteem and have not had the courage to speak out in the past but I am attending a course about improving self esteem through MIND. The course is really helping me and we are only half way through it. Mind is a charity we have that helps with mental health - is there anything like that where you live??
Does your family know how you feel and are they supportive?