View Full Version : Has anyone else had a reduction in anxiety by removing caffeine?

04-05-12, 09:43
I decided a week ago to remove caffeine completely from my diet

And even though I was only having one cup of instant coffee (admittedly with quite a bit of coffee in it) have noticed a substantial improvement in my feelings of anxiety.

It hasnt gotten rid of my obsessions/checking etc, but it has removed the panic feeling when I think about them, making it easier to put them aside once I have focused on them.

I had a homeopath treatment about four months ago for fear of cancer and dying and it really helped (removed about 50% of my anxiety) but for some reason there always seemed to be the last 10/15% and now with coffee it seems to be almost below 5%. As I had already had other treatments CBT, psychologist etc I am hopeful that if I see my homeopath and keep doing my CBT that it will continue to stay away.

Of course there is that tiny part of me goes "oh but the minute your stop being vigilant, you know that is when something is going to go wrong", but for the most part I can shut that one up or ignore it!!

For the first time in about a year I have been able to take control and actually feel good about making a Dr's appointment (it is just a regular followup with a specialist) and feel like I can implment any changes I need to. I also made an osteopath appointment for next week as well. Have to admit a friend inviting me out for a nigth out brought about a big "err no" but progress is progress!

I am just so surprised at how affected I was by caffeine and such a small amount!

04-05-12, 09:50
I cut caffeine out for a few months but now im feeling better treat myself to a few brews in the morning....i think anxiety is mostly mind chatter,but on the day I had a massive panic attack (with ectopic beats) Id had about 5 coffees,so I guess it wont do any harm to cut it out for a while and see if the palps lessen!

04-05-12, 09:54
Well done! Really pleased to read you are feeling positive! I cut out caffeine about three months ago and have really noticed a change in my anxiety levels! I need to cut out chocolate too but thats something I am working on!

04-05-12, 10:15
Kirsty, so I don't need to tell you that chocolate has caffeine in it too!

Ahem I may or may not have indulged in a bar last night while watching a movie! :noangel:

I was just so surprised how little caffeine I obviously had to have to still have that tense feeling...of course I have now just about drunk all the herbal tea in the house!

04-05-12, 10:16
Wow that's really interesting. I have tried this before but coffee is one thing I can't seem to live without (and tea). I have stopped smoking and hardly drink these days so I feel coffee can stay, however if you guys feel so much better maybe I'll consider getting decaf!

04-05-12, 10:30

That was the thing I thought, was how could one (and occaisionally two or three) cups be keeping me so wired when most people say 300-500mg of caffeine is ok, then I looked at caffeine and anxiety...and well of course they go together!

And I know my psych mentioned it but as I thought well its only one cup and tea and thought I was ok and how coudl I give up my one treat.

Of course it doesnt mean everyone is like that but I was surprised at how soon I felt better. Now also bear in mind a huge proportion of my anxiety I had done work on, but it was like you know how when you are really tense and you suddenly realise your shoulders are really high and you relax them and they seem to go down miles...thats what it felt like, most of the "on edge" feeling was gone.

Luckily I had a massage scheduled for my second day of quitting and she said I would get a headache from stopping it (you will!).

16-05-12, 18:57
caffeine makes my anxiety so much worse so i agree on cutting down or cutting it out Xx

16-05-12, 21:10
I swapped to Red Bush / Rooibos teabags several years ago, and no longer drink coffee. I think it helps to avoid caffeine.

16-05-12, 21:39
I love coffee and tea, but if I drink one cup of caffeinated coffee, my anxiety is through the roof. My favourite is Caffee Latte, chilled coffee that Tesco sell. I find it really hard to resist sometimes, but I pay for it for the rest of the day.

So, no, I cannot tolerate caffeine.

17-05-12, 05:43
I attributed my first attack with the fact that it happend a day after I had a few too many alcoholic drinks after golf and had 3 large coffees that morning. That's what I think triggered it.
However I had cut out alcohol all together for a week but still my mind sent me into a spin this morning. So, yes, you gotta control your brain.

17-05-12, 06:33
I think everyone's body reacts differently....I must drink at least 15 coffees a day...I start the moment I wake but don't drink it past 4pm.

I'm worse without coffee because it's my routine, when I was pregnant I drank decaff coffee all the time but my anxiety was no where to be seen in pregnancy....prob the lack of cigarettes as well.

When my anxiety is high these days I do try and switch to decaff but once the Anx has kicked off nothing seems to make it subside.....

17-05-12, 12:39
My doc told me to see if I could cut out coffee because of the redness I was getting from being hot ... but I just can't help it. I tried and truly cannot stay awake on my commute to work, but cannot go to bed earlier because I am in classes until late. Hah! So coffee it is for me.

They just had a report on the news this morning that it is good for you and I cheered! But that doesn't mean the caffiene can't make you feel super anxious. If it's a day I am already heightened, I have less.

17-05-12, 13:38
I switched to de-caff tea and noticed the fluttery heart and flippy tummy stopped.