View Full Version : Anxiety on waking up

04-05-12, 10:02
Hello everyone.
I suffer from anxiety when I wake up. If I get it any other time I am able to self soothe and reassure or distract myself. But getting it when I wake up is so hard to contain because it hits me before I have even become properly conscious. I just wake up, heart pounding and feelings of dread. that's me, bye for now.

04-05-12, 10:05
Hi hecate

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-05-12, 10:35
Me too get the dreaded early morning thing and there doesnt seem to be an answer


04-05-12, 10:56
I have been having that for a while and it is horrible - do really sympathise with you. Best thing to do I find is to get up. Go and put your dressing gown on and make a cup of tea - do not lay in bed and stew (easier said than done) but have been having this feeling for months now - it is subsiding a little on different meds - so fingers crossed.

Think it is a very common thing amongst anxiety sufferers.

04-05-12, 22:10

Just to let you know I can sympathise with you so much, I have been getting this when I wake up and I dread going to sleep cos I know how hard it is to cope when I wake up. I get up and go make a drink and concentrate on getting my breathing under control. I also tell myself I was like this yesterday and I coped and I will today. Hope this helps a little.


05-05-12, 00:11
Justwanted to welocme you to NMP and say that I have the same too and its awful xx

05-05-12, 00:18
I'm sick of waking up like this every morning, or more like being woken up feeling like this. I meant to ask my psychiatrist yesterday if he knew what causes this?? Such a horrible way to start the day.

Thankfully it usually subsides as the day goes on.


05-05-12, 00:38
Hi hecate & welcome :)

I also get this but mine starts about 20 minutes after getting up. It's a real pain and I am exhausted fighting it off before I can even get out the door for work :wacko:
You'll get lots of help and support here, we are all fighting our demons together.....

Take care, Kitti :)

05-05-12, 00:59
its caused by the surge of hormones that are needed to wake us up......the rush of adrenalin and if were low on serotonin ...theres more of the other hormones so im told

05-05-12, 09:37
Hi, Just joined this group as I had crippling anxiety and OCD as a youngster, between the ages of 11-17, then it got gradually better as I became more and more educated on the matter, until now where I completely understand the issue.

I read your post at the top which says something like you became anxious before you were conscious, this can happen, i've heard stories of this, but I want you to fear not. On overcoming anxiety, the first important step is to not fear its presence, because trust me, once it is there, there are many ways to remove it without the use of drugs. Anxiety, speaking from my perspective and I always say this because I dont want to seem like I have the answers, although they have been very successfull, as I have found it partially due to perspective, what may/might happen, rather than what is or has happened.

I would advise you to be positive, and believe that you will overcome your anxiety, and dont fear it being there, I still get it to this day but because I understand every aspect of it I dont fear it, and because I dont fear it, I then in turn dont have anxiety! It goes away almost instantly as having arrived.

Education is the way forward, and try to stay off the anxiety drugs, Learn about the processes of the neocortex (thinking part of the brain) and the amygdala (emotional part of the brain), learn how these work, and when you do you will first see that its a simple 're-wiring' of the brain that causes anxiety and OCD, you are not 'mental' you are perfectly normal apart from one simple re-wiring, that trust me, for seven years I didnt believe it could, but can be 're-wired' back and you can start thinking 'logically' again.

To summarise, and I will post again or you can message me, do not fear anxiety, it can be removed, and you can become your normal self again (actually I became extremely educated and grateful and positive after overcoming anxiety, and the ironic thing is that I am actually glad I suffered with it, as I believe I am incredibly stronger and happier now than I was pre-anxiety)

So if you look at it that way, if it helps, dont fear anxiety and look to it as a learning curve, because it can be cured, actually has been cured, without drugs, through education of the neocortex, amygdala, prefrontal lobes etc. It sounds complicated but its pretty simple once you get the general idea.

Finally dont fear its presence, I still get it all the time but it doesnt bother me because I understand it, remember, fear is survival, over time we have developed it to help ourselves, our body through anxiety is actually trying to help us, but we have to learn to tell it (and I dont mean look in a mirror and tell yourself, I mean through education of the anxiety as a whole) that we dont need this feeling, and everything is as it should be.

05-05-12, 13:30
its caused by the surge of hormones that are needed to wake us up......the rush of adrenalin and if were low on serotonin ...theres more of the other hormones so im told

So, the rush of adrenalin only makes you feel like this if your serotonin levels are low then? Interesting. Still wish it would go away though.

Haz. :)

06-05-12, 00:53
I also suffer morning anxiety. It's such an awful way to start the day. I'm still really anxious now, so hoping it will wear off soon.:)

06-05-12, 07:28
just woke up an hour ago feeling like this , it SUCKS!:mad:

06-05-12, 11:39
I totally agree with laura the best thing is to get up out of bed, mine is awful first thing when kying in bed.