View Full Version : Presenting...me!

07-07-06, 00:08
Hi Everyone,

My name's James, I'm 22 and live in surrey.

I was first ill when I was about 14. I was bed-ridden for about a year. I've now been lead to believe I was suffering from ME, but it went undiagnosed.

I had a few years where not a lot happened, then when I was 17 I had a severe period of anxiety and depression. At the time I took medication and went through counselling and about a year later, I returned to school and took one of my a-levels.

After school I started working in the music industry and progressed very fast. I was working as an 'Artist Liaison Manger' for a PLC record company until about a year ago when the old black dog from the past came back to bite me in the &r5e!! From that point onwards my life disintegrated around me. I've lost my house, I can't drive, I can't leave the house on my own. I just want a life back!

My anxiety attacks tend to involve hyperventilating and banging my head against whatever the nearest surface is, be it wall or car windscreen. Some days can be good, others at worse can mean anything up to 4 or 5 attacks a day.

I'm currently being seen at a mental health clinic where I am receiving physcothreapy. I have refused to take drugs because I feel during my first period of illness they masked the symptoms and stopped my making a full recovery.

I do take Loranzepam every night before I go to bed to help me sleep, and another tablet if I'm feeling extremely anxious.

More recently, a couple of weeks ago I started an alternative therapy called 'Bowen'. Too early to say how that's going though.

I guess I've come on here, because I just want to talk to people who understand. I have a lot of support, but the people who are around me just can't appreciate why I'm fine one minute, then banging my head against a wall the next. I feel things are getting better, but I just need a bit of space & time...

Sorry I've written so much & thank you to anyone who's read this far. I'd especially like to hear from anyone the same kind of age.

I look forward to communicating with you all.

Kindest Regards,

James x

07-07-06, 07:31
Hello James and welcome to the forum
love Helen

07-07-06, 07:57
Hi James and welcome to NMP

Take care



07-07-06, 10:19
Hi James,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

07-07-06, 10:42
hi james

first of all welcome to this site.

I can relate to the head banging, at my worst panic attacks, my reaction was always to pick up whatever I could find and constantly hit my legs. My legs were always bruised but for me I could deal with real pain easier than mental pain.

I am glad you are getting support and maybe through time you can change your coping method of hitting your head to a more appropriate way. Self harm can become a habit but you can change that with the right help.

Take care for now


........life is for living not just for surviving

07-07-06, 10:50
Hia and welcome to the site James :)
I think your going down the right road with the therapy and i do feel that only taking meds doesnt help. As you said it just masks the symptoms and they return later unless you have the therapy aswell to help deal with the way we cope with the panic and anxiety.
Sure you will find loads of help and support on here
take care cheryl xx

07-07-06, 11:13
hi james welcome to the site take care rachelx x x x

07-07-06, 11:43
Hi James,

A big warm welcome to you. It was nice talking to you in chat. Come back soon.

Take Care



07-07-06, 14:24
Welcome to the forum, hope you get loads of good advice
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

07-07-06, 15:34
Thanks for the kind words everyone.

If you would like to get further acuainted, please feel free to PM me to let me know a bit more about yourselves.

Look forward to getting to know everyone.

Re: darkangel, I know exactly where you are coming from. During my depths of depression I also self-harmed. Luckily, it doesn't go any further than the panic attacks nowadays. When I'm panicing thought, I usually want to punish myself, also the thought crosses my mind that if I were to hit it hard enough it'll all be over - all seem quite insane on a good day!!

James x

07-07-06, 20:30
Hi James

Lovely to see you here and welcome aboard.

I hope you get some great support and meet some fab people on here.


polly daydream
07-07-06, 21:10
Hi James and welcome to the forum.

Best wishes,


07-07-06, 22:33
Welcome aboard, James!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

09-07-06, 12:31
Welcome to the forum James.

You'll find a lot of help and support here. I hope the Bowen treatment is helpful for you.

Have you had any CBT therapy?


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

09-07-06, 18:36
Hi James,

Welcome on board mate. Great support here. I will prob see u in chat sometime. Some great ppl here.

Take care,


Two heads
09-07-06, 20:32
Welcome james!
Theres loads of help hear when you need it hun.
so no fear were all hear!!!xx

10-07-06, 00:50
thanks again everyone. feeling this was definatley a good move to join.

Karen u mentioned `CBT therapy`. Can u tell me what it is please.

J x