View Full Version : Hello from a newbie

04-05-12, 14:42
I've never posted on a site like this before and I'm not really sure what to write but having spent a number of hours reading though peoples posts and being able to relate to a great deal of them I decided to register.

I'm 26 and I've been agoraphobic for the last 12 years and I was housebound for 5 of those. I do go outside a little now but I never stray far from home and I never go out socially. I suffer from OCD, panic attacks and numerous phobias but having spent many years waiting for help on the NHS and not getting it I've realised if I want to change I need to actually get motivated and make the changes myself but I've no idea where to start or what I'm supposed to be doing! I really don't like living a life that is controlled by fear and obsessions but I'm not sure how to change the behaviour I've had all my life so any help, advice or encouragement would be very much appreciated.

Thanks for reading
Alvi x

04-05-12, 14:43
Hi Alvi

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-05-12, 14:51
hi alvi,:welcome:

04-05-12, 14:56
Hi Alvi,

I joined this site about a month ago and I've found everyone to be really friendly and helpful. I'm sure you'll find the same.

I also suffer a bit from agoraphobia too, and there's plenty of other people here who have shared experience, so I know you'll find some support here.


Princess Tiffany
04-05-12, 17:04
Im happy to hear you being positive. Thats the key to breaking the cycle. Have you thought about hypnotherapy? It worked wonders for me a few years ago.


04-05-12, 18:53
Thank you. Just reading the posts on this site makes me feel less alone :)
Princess I had hypnotherapy a few years ago for the agoraphobia which helped a great deal and I believe it stopped me being housebound. I would like to go again for help with phobias and IBS but its so expensive. I have ordered a book on self hypnosis so will try giving that a go. At the moment I think I'll try anything!