View Full Version : New Life

Princess Tiffany
04-05-12, 14:50
Hi my name is Tiffany. I started suffering from severe panic attacks when i was 15, i was in and out of hospitals, hundreds of different med combinations and therapies, up until I was around 21 when i final gave up with the NHS and had some hypnotherapy, after just two sessions my panic attacks disappeared. I went from having at least two a day to no.

So over the next 5 years i lived a completely normal life again, i would suffer from anxiety occasionally and have minor panic attacks when i was hungover, but nothing in comparison to what i had previously gone through.

So all was well in my life, I then met the man of my dreams, who proposed to me and we are buying a house and business. Iv recently graduated and prior to that i had a few really awful panic attacks. I put it down to the stress of getting all my uni work done. But last night I was lying in bed with my fiancee and my hands started sweating, i got chest pain and felt like i couldnt breath. we went to A and E together, in the car on the way the panic did not subside it just got much worse. It got a little better when we made it to the hospital, but then after a couple of minutes it hit me again.
Throughout the whole time we were in the hospital I kept getting huge waves of panic and constantly felt the anxiety on my chest. Even after the doctor said there was nothing wrong with me I couldn't shake it and i have woken up this morning just the same. Im terrified, I have such a wonderful life now and I have no idea why this would have started again. Its so embarrassing and i feel like Im losing control of everything. I have never had panic like that, i could always get rid of them after having a good freak out or reassurance from a doctor. But last night being in a hospital did nothing to alleviate my symptoms, i left just as panicked as i was when i got there. I only managed to sleep because i had exhausted my body so much from panicking that i passed out when i got home. Im so worried, i cant deal with them if thats what they are going to progress into. Im scared and I feel so alone. My fiancee is so amazing and perfect, he knows exactly how to help when im panicking, but It so embarrassing for me and i worry about how it could ruin our relationship and demising my mental health.

04-05-12, 14:51
Hi Princess Tiffany

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.