View Full Version : Breathing...again!

07-07-06, 00:35
Hi Guys,

Have not posted in a while, just kept checks on the website every so often as I have been feeling good. Not as good as I would like to feel, but good for me! When I see other people just going about their daily business and not having a care in the world, I find it hard, as I seem to constantly have to think, what if I panic while im out? What if I panic on the train? What if I panic at work? It seems to be one big world of what ifs!?! (AGHHH)

Anyway, (back to the point), have had a very bad day today, ending with me crying for the last 20 mins as it has been so tough. I went to work this am and I only finished at about 9.00pm, but every min of the day was a struggle, I constantly felt like I could not breathe and that I was going to pass out, I ate mints constantly to try and make myself feel better(but since when has a mint ever saved someones life :-)). In the end I had to take a diazipan, which is something I never do at work, but I knew by leaving I would be giving in!! (I am also on Cipralex, but feel that they must not be working as why would I have a day like today, if they were!!) Finally I had a few glasses of wine and felt a bit better, but as soon as I got in the door at home, I just cried and cried!! I am so sick of feeling like this, will it ever end!!

My chest feels really tight right now and I know that tomorrow, even if I don't feel particurly panicky, it will feel tight and like I cant breathe,because of all the coughing (not sure why that helps, think it proves to me I am still breathing) and the tension, I have put my chest through today!!

Does anybody else have this feeling that they can't breathe!? I don't even know if you would say I had a full on panic attack, is it possible to have a partial panic attack, I really don't know anymore, I just dont want to live my life like this anymore, being scared of everything and constantly worrying that I cant breathe!!! (especially when I clearly am!!!)

Its so hard!! I know that many of you have similiar problems and I do apprciate the fact that I am not alone.

As I start to ramble, i will sign off!

Caz x

07-07-06, 07:47
Hi there
I know exactly how you feel. I am asthmatic and the current heatwave and VERY high humidity has meant I have been so tight on my chest I couldnt breathe in or out so felt dizzy and faint - My dr tells me its the air quality and humidity and being anxious doesnt help. Hpefully it will improve now the humidity and the sudden feeling of being smothered should be gone! Good luck. love wenjoy xx

07-07-06, 10:58
I cough when i feeling anxious too, i dont know why i do. Sorry you had such a bad day. I have been suffering for 6 years now and know exactly where you are coming from. You sound like you had bad anxiety not a full blown panic attack. My anxiety ranges from uncomfortable feelings, to feeling really edgy then full blown panic attacks. Anyway whichever it was you handled it and thats whats important. I too break my heart when i have had a tough day. Its so exhausting trying to hide it from everyone all day and the suffering we go through is really horrible.
Well done for getting through the day and good luck for the future.
Carol x

If you have peace of mind you have everything

07-07-06, 10:59
hi i get this feeling a lot too...it has been worse with this weather, this week my chest has been so tight and achey and if i pay any attention to my breating i think im going to stop as i get a feeling like im being smothered....its awful and youre not alone so dont worry you are not going to stop breathing as i keep telling myself and you will be fine..
take care

Two heads
07-07-06, 22:03
Hi nite!
I have been feeling tight in the chest all week and it really scares me.They dont no if it astma all just my anxiety.My doc gave me an inhayler a few months a go, but i keep thinking it will do me more harm than good!
I just feel i caut breath and then it can get me worrying im going to pass out.It is possible to have partial panick because i have this.xx

polly daydream
07-07-06, 22:25
Hi, I also get this to, especially with the heat, then it causes me to panic.

Polly x

07-07-06, 23:45
As I said, am not sure if its possible to have a partial attack, but maybe just a hell of a lot of anxiety! If you have been prescribed an inhaler you should try it, I take an inhaler sometimes, as I have an allergy to grass or something. But the feeling when i need to take the inhaler is completely different to when I panic. When I panic the inhaler does not work, but when i actually am allergic to something it stops me wheezing! When i panic there is no wheezing, just a real tightness in my chest!

We will all get over it some day, just wish it would hurry up!!