View Full Version : Hi. Emetophobia. New

04-05-12, 15:53
Hi everyone, ive just came across this site, and even just finding the Forum has reduced me to tears.

I am 26 years old, and stay in Scotland.

I have suffered from emetophobia for as long as i can remember. The past few weeks i have been struggling with it.

Today it has all kicked off, as a family member has the sickneww bug, and my mother has been in contact with the family member and i stay in the same house as my mother.

I am petrified, already had 2 panic attacks today with this, scrubbing my hands, and the house, wont eat anything, even tho i am so hungry.

I am prescribed anti-sickness medication, which i have taken today.

All i have done is cry all day, no one understands why i am so petrified of being sick, its a cruel and horrible phobia to have, and just dont know what to do :-(

I also suffer from bi-polar and borderline personality disorder, and do see my psychiatrist on a regular basis. but the emetophobia always seems to get pushed to the back :-(

04-05-12, 15:55
Hi acyvonnedc

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

04-05-12, 16:13
Hi acyvonnedc

Welcome to NMP. If you use the above search facility to search for 'emetophobia' you will find loads of posts on this subject - or you can start your own thread if you prefer.

All the best

04-05-12, 16:17
Hello annd welcome :welcome:

I have to be honest and say i've never heard of emetophobia before and so i had to quickly google it, i certainly dont envy you, wiki says it's one of the most common phobias but like i say i've never heard of it it cant be pleasant to be a sufferer but you have to eat dude, or you will make yourself ill.

Look after you.